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[Another Viewpoint] Astonishment of the Knights of Jiernetta Kingdom

As if in a frenzy, a wall of flames consumed my soldiers, and the enemy soldiers, energized by the flames, turned to the offensive and came at me.

The speed with which they moved from defense to offense was extremely rapid, clearly anticipating the magic of the flames.

"...Scuderia's guard has emerged?"

He mutters and quickly gives his instructions.

"We're right on schedule...give the instructions immediately. Be calm and throw the black ball."


At my words, the messenger headed for the front line.

A moment later, I raise the corners of my mouth at the sound of impact and explosions echoing from the front lines.

Black balls.

A new weapon, far too powerful, that has transformed the lives of the small northern countries that until now have only been exploited.

It is not numerous, but if used sparingly in important battles, it can be used with menacing effectiveness. With this new weapon in hand, our kingdom, which had been bitterly disappointed for so many years, was able to decide to invade Scudetto, which we had longed for.

The Black Jade is capable of more than even those who are not able to fight as mages.

The soldiers threw the black ball while keeping their distance as if they were running away. That was enough to reduce the number of those knights of the Marquis of Fertio.

And the soldiers, unable to respond and on guard, stopped.

"...Now. Now is the perfect opportunity. Give the signal. Don't let this opportunity pass you by."

The second-in-command then sends a signal to the sky. Three small pillars of fire were created, and the wyverns that had been arcing in the sky slowed their speed and altitude, scattering black balls of fire.

There was no way they could react in time.

The enemy soldiers concentrated in front of them were blown away by the explosions of black balls pouring down from the sky.

One after another, the sound of explosions rang out, and the enemy formation was quickly broken.

"...Excellent. This is more successful than I could have imagined. I never thought it would work this well."

I laughed as I shook my shoulders and brushed my own green-green hair back.

The key to this battle was the fall of the fortified city of Scudetto. Two neighboring towns and three villages were to cut off the supply to Scudetto, but with the way things were going, it was no longer necessary.

The corps that had been on the defensive in Scudetto seemed to have changed its move to retreat. The number of defenses has been reduced, and they are moving to secure the retreat route.

The walls of the fortress had collapsed due to the black ball received from the sky, and our knights were beginning to enter the interior of the fortress city.

At last, the time had come to accomplish my long-cherished dream of conquering Scudetto.

As the third prince of the Kingdom of Jiernetta, I had been forced to lick the bitter pillows many times since I was entrusted with the Second Order of Knights of the Kingdom.

"Fleeing knights and citizens are boring, but the chase is the flower of war. Drop a black ball on the fleeing wyverns and cut them down from behind with your swords. Let them know what a crushing defeat is."

He said this with a laugh and looked at the citadel, just as the citizens and soldiers were coming out of the citadel.

A messenger runs out to relay instructions.

The front line is in the process of falling back and throwing black balls. It will take some time to rearrange the formation for the chase, but the enemy is also not moving well because of the citizens they have.

"...Don't be in a hurry to rearrange the formation. We will never have such a great opportunity again. With this one battle, I will take the Marquis Fertio's head."

Saying this, I also suppressed my own feelings of agitation and checked the battle situation.

Since he has confirmed the fire magic, he has the wyverns standing by on the city walls, but once the pursuit begins, he can go around the front of the enemy army and use the black ball again.

He has about half of the black ball left, but that's still more than enough.

"It's completely deadlocked; taking Scudetto is synonymous with seizing this whole area. If we defend it for three months, strengthen our stronghold, and then take the next stronghold from this place..."

Thinking of a glorious future, I confirmed the formation of my knights and nodded.


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