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Supply of Weapons and Armor

Espa Medici Store, a branch of the Bellrango Chamber of Commerce.

The Seat Village store, the main store, specializes in the purchase of materials, but the rest of the store has the same selection as the main store.

In other words, it is very busy. In fact, since it is located closest to the main road, sales may be busier than the main store.

A peek inside the store revealed that it was full of shoppers, even though it was supposed to be spacious.

No, this number of customers is definitely larger than that of the main store. After all, is it the power of the beautiful shopkeeper?

"Do you have any more spears?"

"Sorry. We sold out of spears the other day..."

"I would also like to buy a shield."

"Oh, we have small shields!"

"No, I need a big one, like this one."

"I'm sorry, we don't have any shields that size. I'm sorry, we don't have shields that size..."

A young employee near the entrance was busy dealing with customers.

The employee noticed me and looked surprised.

"Manager!  It's Van-sama!  Van-sama...!"

The employee calls out to the manager through sobs. At the sound of his voice, the adventurers and villagers who had come as customers also turn to look.

Then, a tired-looking Medici emerges from the back.

"Ah, Van-sama!  I mean, are you here today to deliver weapons or armor?"

Medici asks me with trepidation, to which I deny him honestly.

"No, it's not that..."

"Ah, I see!"

Medici broke down in tears on the spot as soon as he heard my words. Too pathetic.

"Oh, don't worry. I'll make it soon!  Just give me the ingredients!  I'll make it in no time!"

I hurriedly followed up, and Medici looked up with tears in his eyes and started praying.

"Oh, thank you!  Van-sama...!"

"You're welcome..."

When I replied, Medici stood up and immediately called out to his employees.

"Materials!  Bring wood, iron, and mithril!"


Seeing their frantic appearance and voices, I thought to myself, this is a kind of war.

After a while, I did my best weapon and armor making for the first time in a long while. The adventurers lined up happily, so I made a box and a price list and asked them to put their money in it.

"Dagger!  I want iron!"

"Straight?  Curved?  Single-edged?"

"Uh... double-edged and straight!"

"...Yes, like this?"

"Wow!  Fast!  That's great!  Thank you!"

And with a great deal of energy, I start to serve the customers one after another. The goal was to serve each customer within five minutes.

After two hours, all the customers had been served.

"Good job...I'm not a line worker, you know. What's a baron again?  Another name for the factory manager?"

"I'm sorry. I have no idea..."

I was so tired that I started to abuse Till. Then, God must have been watching because the punishment came swiftly.

"Van-sama! I've brought him!"

With that voice, Ortho appeared with a group of adventurers in tow.

"I'll take a big sword and a set of armor!  Oh, and the shield should be a large, slightly rounded one!"

Seeing and hearing his happy face and voice, I sagged in my chair.


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