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When I joked about it, Xsara, as usual, overreacted. The fact that she was half crying was probably because she was overacting.

"Okay. Well then, Ortho-san, I'd like you to make a request to all adventurers. For those who accept the request, five gold coins will be paid in advance. Please tell them one large gold coin after the request is accomplished."

"...They're all coming, that's it. Are you sure?"

"How many people is everyone?"

When I asked this, Ortho growled with a difficult look on his face.

"Well...if you include the ones who came last time, three, four...maybe a hundred and fifty?  No, maybe a few more?"

"One hundred and fifty?  Why are there so many?"

I was greatly surprised. The original number was probably around sixty. What had happened in such a short period of time?

"Oh, it's the publicity for the Adventurers' Guild. Now it's probably been passed on to the neighboring towns, and there are some new guys from THE CAPITAL. As a guild, we want to do a quick survey of the dungeon. The more people we have, the faster we can map and figure out the monsters."

"But it's still too fast. I wonder if the rest stop before the dungeon is over capacity?"

"No, it's normal to spend a day or two in a dungeon, so we can take turns in the dungeon and have plenty of time to spare. After the mission is over, we go back to the village to sell the materials."

I see.

"Well, no matter. It's participation in a war. Tell them that it's one large gold coin and five gold coins per adventurer. We're risking our lives, and we want at least that much."

Saying this, Ortho nodded with a laugh.

"Understood. But the adventuring business is a risky business to begin with, so I'll gladly participate even with five gold coins, except for the very best adventurers. Well, I'm sure I'd be happy with more."

I heard something about the harsh adventurer's way of life. Well, the inhabitants of Seat Village also had a life-or-death scene, and it seems that everyone in this world has it tough.

"Okay. I think the Seat Knights will be fine, but the adventurers are always buying weapons."

Ortho's eyes changed color as he replied.

"Really!  They're always in short supply!  Okay, I'll quickly tell everyone and I'll be the first to buy one!"

"You already have most of them, don't you Ortho-san?"

"I'm off then!"

He either didn't hear my point or ignored it, but he turned pale and ran away.

While most of the Seat Knights' equipment is made of wood block, Ortho's party is almost entirely outfitted with armor made of iron.

Pluriel has a lot of wood block armor because it is lightweight, but he just bought a mithril staff for his staff.

...Well, I'm a superior customer, so I can give him preferential treatment.

"I'm curious, I'm going to go to the Bellrango Trading Company and see what's going on."

I said, and Dee replied in a loud voice and headed off to check on the knights and their equipment.

It was just as well since I had been so busy lately that I hadn't seen Rango's face.

With that in mind, I took Till and the others to the store and found Rango looking rather tired.

When Rango sees me, he comes running with a tearful look on his face.

"Va, Van-sama!"

"What happened?"

I looked up at Rango, tilting my head, and he held out his hands to show me how hard it had been.

"It's no big deal!  Ortho-san and the others bring us materials for magical beasts every day, adventurers complain that we don't have enough weapons and armor, and we're running out of food and seasonings because we have more villagers...!  On top of that, I have to teach the slaves I made into employees how to serve customers and how much things cost, and sometimes the employees fight with each other and I have to arbitrate...!"

"Oh, oh... that sounds like a lot of work, doesn't it?"

I nodded and consoled Rango as he complained like a new manager whose stress levels had hit the upper limit for a new store opening at a small business.

This is precisely what middle management is going through. Hang in there, Rango, managing your people is an essential skill.

"Huh?  What about former peddlers or slaves with experience in other trades?  You know, the gorgeous ones."

"Ah, Mr. Medici. She's the only one who can help me, but she's probably just as tired as I am. She does half of the education of the slaves. He's an angel to me, an angel."

Rango interlaces his fingers in front of his chest, stares into the void, and mutters. He is extremely agitated.

"...Okay, I'll help you sell your weapons and armor."

I told him, and Rango burst into tears.


"I'm Van-sama!"

I replied with a wry smile to Rango's tears of joy.


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