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Saint becomes a Mama

Turning back time a bit---.

Shortly after Mari and her team went to scout the area, the Tyrant Dragon was resurrected.

Sarah, who was at the base camp, knew immediately.

There was a large earthquake, and the roar of the Tyrant Dragon echoed all the way to where she was.

After a while, the roaring stopped, but there was no sign of Mari and the others coming back.

Unable to contain her worry, Sarah went to check on them.

The former site of the Saint temple was in a terrible state of ruin.

The terrain had been thoroughly changed, probably by the Tyrant Dragon's breath, and the rocks had melted into a sludge.

"How could it be destroyed like this?"

Sarah shuddered.

Then she found Mari, Sophie, and Harill lying on the ground.

She also found another little girl on Mari's back.

Sophie and Harill woke up immediately, but Mari and the child did not regain consciousness.

Upon awakening, Sophie decided to retreat, and ran to Misery with Mari on her back.

Back at the castle, the Prime Minister, Chris, and Glenn come running up to them.

"Prime Minister. The Tyrant Dragon's resurrection has been moved up a day, and the battle began before noon today. The Tyrant Dragon was far more powerful than we had expected, and both Harill and I were knocked unconscious. What happened after that, only the unconscious Saint-sama knows."

"Thank you for your help. We will take care of Saint-sama. Please rest first."

Mari was taken to the guest room, where Sarah accompanied her to nurse her.


The next day, the morning sun lit up the Château de Misery.

Sophie went to the guest room, where Sarah had spent the whole night tending to Mari.

"Sarah, you haven't slept, have you? I'll take over."

"Thank you, Sophia-sama. But please let me take care of your sister."

"Okay, I'll check on you from time to time. I will check on you from time to time, and you can tell me if you are having a hard time."

Sophie returned to her room.

In her room was a three-year-old girl asleep in bed, with Chris watching over her.

"How is she?"

"I don't think there's anything to worry about. But who is this girl?"

"I heard Mari was carrying her on her back."

The child started shuffling around in front of them.

"Oh, she's about to wake up."

She sat up and rubbed her eyes with her small hands.

"Hey, doesn't she look just like Mari?"

"Do you think so too, Chris?"

She has shiny black hair and green eyes.

And most importantly, the face looks just like Mari's.

"Not too much of a resemblance. Like Mari's illegitimate child."

"Of course, Saint-sama is a virgin."

As they watched, the child sniffed the area like a dog.

Then she jumped off the bed and ran at once into the guest room, where Mari was.

Sarah was in the room, but the child ignored her and scrambled up the bed, clinging to it.

When Sophie and Chris followed her into the room, she had reached the bed.

Then she hugged Mari, who was sleeping, and shouted, "Mama"!


The child snuggles under the covers and begins to sleep happily with Mari.

"I knew it was a mother and child, right?"

"Hmmm... I can't deny it."

"Christie-sama, Sophia-sama, big sister is Saint-sama. She can't have any children."

"That's true, but---let's ask Mari anyway."

Sophie shakes her.

Mari wriggled around and sat up.

When she spotted the three of them, she greeted them with a sleepy "Good morning .......

"Hey, Big Sis!"

Sarah held Mari's hand, her eyes watering with tears.

"Sarah. Sophie and Chris are here too."

"Hey, Mari. Hey, Mari, are you awake?"

"Yes, I've had a good night's sleep and my head is clear."

"Okay, so explain. Who is this girl?"

Sophie points to a sleeping girl, about three years old, who is a dragon incarnate, while Sophie, Chris, and Sarah look at Mari with serious eyes.

"Well, let's see... there is a profound meaning~~ to this situation."

"What kind of situation, Mari?"

Sophie's voice is a little scary as she asks the question.

Perhaps in response to her voice, the girl also woke up and looked at Mari with her little eyes.

Then he jumped into her chest and started to sweet-talk her, "Mama, Mama," he said.

Mari did not know what to do.

She didn't know what to do.

She was a Tyrant Dragon, and she had seen it with her own eyes.

She held the girl's cheeks in her hands and stared into her small eyes.

As she did so, tears welled up, and she couldn't stop them, so she hugged her tightly as her emotions took over.

"Mama, painful!"

The girl had a big smile on her face as she said that.

"Hey, don't ask me anything about this girl. I'll explain it to you properly when the time comes to talk about it. I just don't know how to talk about it right now."

"If your sister says so."

"Well, I don't have a choice."

"Mari, when the time comes, you'll be able to tell me."

"Thank you, everyone."

Mari has to go to the Prime Minister now to report the defeat of the Tyrant Dragon.

(What should I do? I can't just carry her in my arms to His Excellency's office.)

While I was pondering, the child started to cuddle Sarah.

"Hello, big sister."

She said and began to nuzzle her cheek.

Sarah didn't know what to do, but as she looked at the child, who looked just like Mari, she hugged her tightly.

(Oh, I know that feeling!)

Then, Mari came up with a plan.

"Do you think you could stay at home with big sister?"

When I asked her that, she replied with a cheerful "Ai".

"Sarah, can you take care of her?"

"Yes, big sis."

Sarah's eyes were wide as she looked at the little girl, and she was already in love with her.

Thus, Mari prepared herself and headed for the Prime Minister's office.

When she opened the door, she found Glenn and all the people involved in defeating the Tyrant Dragon.

Harill was also there, and seeing him, Sophie went over to him and hugged him on the shoulder.

"Prime Minister, I apologize for causing you so much worry."

"Are you all right now?"

Yes, I had a good night's sleep and I feel fine.

"I'm glad to hear that...so, Saint-sama. So, Saint-sama, please report on your success in defeating the Tyrant Dragon."

"Yes. The Tyrant Dragon was sealed with my magic."

The room echoed with cheers!

Mari was not lying.

The Tyrant Dragon is no longer in this world.

There is a little girl who is the incarnation of the Golden Dragon, but she was no longer the Tyrant Dragon.

"Thank you, Ardesia is saved again!"

The Prime Minister takes Mari's hand and shakes it widely.

His expression was one of sheer joy.


The defeat of the Tyrant Dragon was to be kept secret from the public.

This was because no one had seen the Tyrant Dragon, and no one would believe that it had been killed.

"The Prime Minister asked me to tell Mari, Sophie, and Mr. Harill. He says he's sorry that he can't disclose it after all the trouble they went through."

"Fine. I've been reinstated as a knight for my part in the defeat, and Harill has been selected as a government-sponsored scholarship student. "

"Harill, are you going abroad?"

"Yes. I heard that there is a famous school of magic in the Republic."

"You don't know about it, Mari? It's called the Lucy School of Magic, and it's the best school for training magicians in Ardesia."

Chris explained.

"I see... I'm going to miss him."

"Harill is a boy. He'll come back when he has the time. Let's send him off with a smile."

"Yes, Sophie. We won't be able to see him forever."

That said, it's tough to lose the people you've trained so well.

"This is a different topic, but I heard that Mari has a gift for you."

"What is it?"

"I don't know either, but there will be a dedication ceremony, so be prepared."

"Eh, are we going to have another ceremony? Then we don't need the dedication!"

"Mari, Chris was lying. There will be no dedication ceremony."

Sophie and Chris laugh happily at Mari, who is relieved.

At any rate, they had accomplished what they needed to accomplish in Ardesia.

Mari's face breaks out in a smile of satisfaction.


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