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There seemed to be some people moving on the ramparts, but of course, they couldn't do anything.

At best, they could shoot a longbow.

That's nothing to talk about.

Let's see how surprised they will be.

As I watched, the wyvern drew a wide arc and was about to fly over the ramparts at wind-like speed.

"Go! You know the fear of dragons!"

Just as he exclaimed with a high laugh, a voice came from the top of the castle wall.


With that voice, black rain fell from the sky.

The black rain spread out in a fan shape, as if it was enveloping the wyvern.

The sound of the wind breaking and the wyvern grunting could be heard as the wyvern lost power and lost altitude.

The wyvern slams headfirst into a spot about halfway up the castle wall and falls directly to the ground.

Belatedly, the black rain slowed its speed and eventually came down on us, over our heads.

"Ta, shields! Get your shields up!"

Someone shouted, and I hurriedly ducked behind the heavily armed soldiers.

The next thing I knew, there was a heavy metallic clang, a wet crash, and a lot of screaming coming from all directions.

I shrank back and crouched down, unsure of what was going on.

The rain, which had been pouring down for several seconds, stopped, and I opened my eyes with trepidation.

Then I realized what was going on around me and was astonished.

"What, this is ridiculous...! What the heck is this?"

All around us, our soldiers were lying on the ground.

They were moaning and screaming, and there might not be many dead.

But no matter how you look at it, they were in no condition to fight.

"Hey, what happened... witchcraft?"

I shouted to no one, but there was no reply.

Many of them were unharmed, just like me, but they didn't seem to know what had happened.

I checked the fallen soldiers and found that there were no serious scratches on their armor.

Was it due to witchcraft, after all?

I thought so, but then I suddenly noticed a strange object on the ground and knelt down.

It was a flat metal with sharp knife tips on all four sides.

It was about the size of my palm and thin, so it was not heavy.

If you look around carefully, you will see countless such sheets of metal falling to the ground.

What is this...what is this...? Is this what the attack is now!"

I shouted, and a child's voice came back.

"Blast shuriken. It's a type of flat-form shuriken. They're thin and light, so I packed a lot of them together to make a four-way shuriken bomb. I shot a few of them, so they hit me. Well, I still only have two dedicated ballistas that can fire one shot at a time. I can't deal with too many of them yet."

And then I hear such a voice and turn around.

I noticed that the bridge had come down soundlessly and the gate was halfway open.

In the gap was a child, younger than I expected.

"The experiment was an okay success. However, the range of the attack was narrower than I expected. Also, it was dangerous that some of the shurikens that bounced in the air came back to us. I can't use it next time if I don't improve it. Too bad."

The child who chuckled as he said this walked as if he were taking a stroll through the city.

To the left, right, and rear, men in armor lined up, swords and shields at the ready.

I don't see any opening, but at this distance, I wonder if there might be one.

I was moving as fast as I thought I could.

"Burn to death! Oh flames...!"

I start chanting magic.

The fastest magic takes less than ten seconds.

Soldiers are on guard with their shields at the ready, but it is too late.


But there was someone who activated his magic faster than I did.

With that low man's voice, a large amount of water floods the surroundings.


And with the next word, all the water froze.

I was frozen to my ankles, unable to move, and even the magic I was about to invoke fizzled out due to my agitation.

"Clay wall."

"Wind Blade Wall."

Immediately after, I heard the voice of an older man and a middle-aged man, and a huge wall of earth and a tornado-like wall of wind appeared in front of me.

"Wahaha! You are the best of me, after all. The times have started to change, it seems."

So saying, a flamboyant man with a beautiful and bewitching beauty appeared from the other side of the wall.

The child followed, but my eyes could not leave the man's face.

"Oh, you...! Don't tell me you're from the Kingdom of Scuderia...!"

Hearing my words, the man wrinkled his brow and looked down at me.


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