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Sakura-san's Gift and the third Floor

Although there was no next gate, the search for the mountain dungeon, which we assumed to be the second floor for convenience, continued.

The structure, with its rows of vermilion Torii gates as in the first level, was as beautiful and terrifying as ever.

"Oops, this way is a dead end!"

"Hey, if this is a dead end, give us a treasure chest!"

"Oh, this is the road we were on earlier. It seems to lead here."

"Yes, indeed! If we are going around in a circle, please leave a treasure chest on the way!"

The mountain dungeon was a complicated structure like that.

If we went that way, we would end up at a dead end, and if we went the other way, we would end up on a branch road in a place we had already been.

If it was a short distance, it was no problem, but after walking for 15 minutes, we found out that we had to go back, which made us feel exhausted. Of course, there were enemies, so if we had included the battle time, it would have taken even longer.

It seemed that we were forced to go to the top of the first mountain, but this was a dungeon with a nasty structure where we had to repeatedly go down and up to get to the top.

Because of this, the number of battles increased rapidly.

The enemies that appeared have been Pestle Rabbit and Japanese Dolls.

Pestle Rabbit was no longer a common enemy and was treated like a bonus enemy.

The second Bunny Band dropped and was worn by Sasara, a melee fighter. As expected, her magic was reduced by one and her agility was slightly increased.

I was a bit worried about the excess of bunny pelts.

I have a sewing set and would like to make a cape out of it, but I'd rather do that in a rest area. If there was one. By the way, if using [Synthetic Enhancement] on the needle, allowed it to go through the fur.

The problem was the Japanese Doll, which after a few fights, we were able to deal with quite well.

The Doll had an outstandingly high evasive power in a healthy state.

However, it had a weakness in that it would be knocked back when attacked, so we had to surprise it with Ruru's water technique, etc., and then hit it with the first blow and beat it.

As the saying goes, the best training was gained in actual combat, and everyone's handling of weapons and body movements improved rapidly.

However, we still could not let our guard down because the Dolls have a weird determination to make a final attack even if half of their limbs or face was destroyed. And his face is scary, too.

The Doll often drops a broken katana, which I synthesized into Ruru's sickle.

Somewhat unusual drops were obis and kimonos. They were all for dolls, so they can't be worn, but the stuff was good material, so we folded them up and put them in each other's backpacks. One obi was wrapped around Meiko's neck, as well as Sasara's and Ruru's.

We have yet to get what we consider to be a rare drop from this one.

The magic stones that always drop every time we defeat an enemy have accumulated a lot.

Each one was small, but there were so many of them that it was starting to get very annoying.

The drops were divided among the three of us and stored in our backpacks, but eventually, we would have to think of some way to get rid of them. Worst-case scenario, we may have to choose to throw them away.

In the midst of all this, we found a treasure chest and inside were coins again.

This time it was a total of 10 silver coins.

In total, we got 25 coins. Again, divided among the three of us, each of us had eight coins and only Meiko had nine.

We continued our search for 6 hours, taking breaks at particularly beautiful places.

It was not a smooth road like the Little Girl Labyrinth, and a normal 15-year-old girl would have collapsed by now.

Meiko, however, still had plenty of energy to spare thanks to her training, as did Sasara and Ruru, both of whom were now in close combat jobs.

The three of them reached the summit of the mountain.

At the top of the mountain, there was only a single large Sakura tree, but nothing that they had expected to see.

In other words, there was no return gate or safety zone.

On the contrary, there was no boss, which was a relief.


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