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"...Hmm. Let's hear it."

Hilde's face tightens as she senses an unusual mood in Rei's expression.

"Actually, I was attacked by a certain summoner yesterday."

"What? The same attacker!"

Rei shook her head gently.

"Sure, we did encounter the attacker, but it wasn't that person who attacked us."

She pauses and exhales deeply.

Rei then mentions the name.

"We.... No, the name of the summoner who attacked me is... Dinna Gelsneir."

"What! "

"Rinna onee-san's, onee-san? "

The two of them are stunned.

The genius summoner, who had been missing for a long time, suddenly appeared and attacked her sister.

It's an unbelievable story at first glance.

"...I see. Rinna-dono was attacked by her own sister."

"Yes. She is sleeping now in her room."

The story seemed to have shocked Hilde as well.

But suddenly, Rei's words caught Hilde's attention.

"...Wait, you just said "I" again, what do you mean?"

"It seems that Dinna wanted my life, and she didn't want to hurt Rin-chan."

"Rei-dono's life...? Why in the world would she...?"

"I don't know. Anyway, she summoned a weapon called the divine spear Gungnir and attacked me."

"A divine spear...? Commander, could it be?"

Rei mentioned the word "divine spear".

Shifle seems to have an idea.

"Shifle-chan, do you know something! "

"The legend of the dawn.... It's the weapon from the heroic fairy tale I told you about before."

"The Legend of the Dawn, I thought that was just a fairy tale..."

"Tell me more about that story!"

All Rei had heard before was that a monster called the Three Divine Beasts appeared in the story.

Perhaps it could be a clue to something.

"Ah, ah. This is a story that everyone in this world knows..."

Long ago, a mighty being called the Summoner of Twilight tried to envelop the world in flames.

Accompanying the summoner was a world serpent of great size, and a princess of hell who wielded immense magical power.

Just as the world was about to be engulfed in despair, seven heroes rose up.

Each of the seven possesses a bow, a magic accessory, a magic flute, a mighty sword, a thunder hammer, and a divine spear.

The summoner of daybreak wields a holy sword that is said to bring absolute victory.

The summoner of daybreak, accompanied by the divine wolf with ice fangs, confronts the twilight together with the six heroes.

After a long and deadly struggle, the holy sword finally pierced through the summoner of the twilight.

Thus, peace was brought to the world.

That's the general outline of the story.

"...The Magic Accessory. Brísingamen..."

"Hmm? What is that?"

Rei picks up a familiar word from Hilde's story.

Shifle asks the question in a mumbled whisper.

Rei thinks for a moment and replies.

"The summoner who often attacked us, she called herself Helena."

"Helena...that's a name I've never heard of."

"Shifle has never heard of such a summoner either."

Neither of them had ever heard of that name.

In other words, she is not a well-known summoner in the public eye.

But now it's more than that.

"That's what that Helena called the bracelet she wore. It's called a magic accessory, Brísingamen."

"I see... a magic accessory and a divine spear, huh?"

"What the heck is this all about? Are you saying that the weapons of the heroes are real? "

"They called it the weapons the Seven Great Armaments - Seven Arms. And called themselves Seven Great Blades."

"Seven Great Blades... and Seven Great Armaments?"

Hilde ponders deeply.

Shifle's head is in her hands and she doesn't know what's going on anymore.

"If the Great Armaments really exist and they have all of them, that's very dangerous."

"That's right. I wonder what they are planning to do..."

Why is Helena after Rinna and Dinna after Rei?

"I understand your story, I'll look into it, including the summoner named Helena."

Hilde breaks off the conversation and gets up from her seat.

Rei had finished telling her everything she needed to know.

She gets up from the couch and bows to Hilde.

"Thank you for today, Hilde-san."

"Don't thank me. I want you to go home soon and stay with Rinna-dono."

"Yes, I will. Then let's go home, shall we, Shifle-chan?"

"Yes.... Ugh, it seems like bad things will be happening..."


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