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Chapter 37 One Answer


"Please don't laugh at me anymore."

The refugee fell to his knees on the ground, and no matter what I said to him, there was no reply.

Eventually, Big Brother heard the commotion and took over the situation.

We moved to the office room, which was simply a renovated hut, and over tea, I told Big Brother what had happened.

The result was this.

He laughed, which was unthinkable from his usual expressionless face.

"No, I'm sorry. But, kuku kuku."

That's enough. I need you to calm down first.

By the way, right now, there are only people who are here to protect us, so it's a private space.

The mask has been removed.

The tea is delicious.

"I didn't expect them to be so scared of me, you know."

"Well, I guess it's better to be feared than to be looked down upon."

Someone had said the same thing to me before.

"In that sense, Cozette, you're very talented."

"I'm not happy about that. Well, how about me, am I that talented?"

I turn around and look at the others.

They've looked away beautifully.

I am a little hurt.

"... I understand."

Yes, let's accept the reality.

--There's nothing sad about it.

"That's okay. I haven't been told to fix it."

I have slime and Chiyo-sama, so... I'm not lonely.


"It's just like Cozette to not try to do something about it."

With a thin smile, Henning Big Brother shrugs.

"Well, I'm sorry about the pause on this one, too. She was popping slime in her hand and asked about killing, so I guess he thought she was going to do the same."

"Huh, is that what happened?"

It is not my intention to be treating his life so easily, though.

As for the slime, these kids themselves don't think anything in particular about it.

No, they really don't think anything at all.

When I tell them I'm going to do an experiment, they just burst out in a light-hearted manner and say, "Ha~i!" Once again, slime is mysterious.

That is why I am troubled by the fact that there is no easy way to handle life.

" These things are not about what you think they are, you know. And they came from a neighboring territory where life is apparently lighter. I'm sure they were sensitive to such things."

I was told, and it made sense.

My attitude may have looked like that of an aristocrat squeezing taxes out of a neighboring territory.

I didn't realize that I was doing the same thing as the nobles of the neighboring territory, who, I thought, were somehow different from me.

"I was not considerate enough..."

"You can change that in the future. I'll tell them what to do."


Big Brother Henning told me not to worry about it, but it was true that I had scared him.

Even if I were to correct it, it would only scare them again.



I looked up, and Big Brother was already back to his usual blank expression.

"People make mistakes, you know."

"... Yes."

"A mistake is something that can be corrected. I'm not saying don't worry about it, but it's not something to get too worked up about. And a sister's mistakes are something a brother can correct. I'm glad you told me what happened this time."

And then he smiled gently at me.

That is enough to make me feel lighter.

"Yes, thank you, Big Brother."

My cheeks naturally raise and I smile back.


"What's wrong?"

For some reason, Big Brother's face turned red. Is it that hot today?

"No, it's nothing. And you were talking about goblins, right?"

"Yes. I can understand them with reason. But even so, I feel resistance to the idea of taking a life."

I said confidingly, and Big Brother closed his eyes.

Then he nodded quietly.

"To be honest, I'm relieved."


"Cozette, I thought for sure you didn't think anything of slaughtering demons."

"That's what I thought, too..."

That's what I've been telling myself all along. That it was an enemy that had to be defeated.

"Yeah. No, I suppose you're right. I mean, that's what I've been taught too."

Big Brother shrugs.

"In fact, the first time I fought a demon, for example, I was completely stunned."

He sighed.

"Big Brother..."

I couldn't imagine how Big Brother who's always had a calm and collected image could be like that.

"A genuine murderous intent directed at me. I managed to fend it off, but.... I was shaken up."

He laughed bitterly.

"How did it go for you guys?"

"Well, I'm embarrassed to say that I cried and ran home."

"I got myself lost."

As Big Brother spoke, the guards around him spoke happily of their own failures.

"So Cozette, you are not alone in your troubles. It may be in a slightly different form, but resistance at the hands of the irresistible is another form of fear."


"I can't tell you to overcome that. Perhaps no one can. But that doesn't stop you, Cozette, does it?"

"--No. I plan to continue to go to the forest today."

"I see. Then think of this city and fight for it."

"This city..."

Big Brother looks at the office window.

I follow his example. The curtains prevent me from looking out.

But there is certainly human activity there.

"Izfield territory is a territory that stands on the corpses of demons. Until now, the blood of many demons has been spilled. And human blood as well. That action of yours, I believe my lordship will declare as justice. If you are unsure, tell yourself that it is for the sake of this territory, for the sake of this city, for the sake of the people here."

"So, is that what you want to do?"

I look at Big Brother again.

"You're not convinced, are you?"

"... Yes."

Big Brother lets out a sigh.

I think I'm very stubborn. But a fuzzy feeling lingers in my heart.

"I heard you saved someone."

"Eh? Yes, I did. I was terribly grateful, and, well, I was confused."

"Fufu. I see."

He chuckles.

"So, I guess your deed was right for them, then."

"It was right..."

"Yes, it was. There is no right or wrong in all things. All there would be, is a matter of perspective."


"From our point of view, demons are evil. But from the demon's point of view, we are the evil ones. There may be a possibility that we can come to terms with each other, but at least for now, we are incompatible."

"Yes, I see."

"This is true even between people. Even in a conflict between countries, from one side, the other side is evil, and from that side, the other side is evil."

"Both sides, evil."

If you ask me, you're right.

There may be people who hold swords thinking they are evil, but they are unlikely.

"Then we must have a firm belief in order to fight. A firm belief that the other side is evil."

Big Brother closes his eyes quietly.


"Cozette, fight."

He said small, but powerfully.

"To be strong. And to help someone else."

"Isn't that an excuse?"

"I'll fool myself as much as I want if that's how I can save a life."


"Cozette, we are nobles, you know. We must lead our people. On this shoulder. And on your shoulders, too. The future of the realm is at stake. Remember that, and you'll be fine. It is okay to be troubled. It's okay to regret. Believe in yourself that you will not stop. If you're stuck in your guilty conscience, then I, your bad brother, will say that you're doing the right thing."

"Big Brother..."

Other than that, I'm a mess.

"Big Brother is one of the Big Brothers I can truly trust."

"I see."


I hear a strange sound and turned around.

I noticed that the people around me were crying.

"Henning-boy... Gusu. You think so much of us."

"I'll follow you for the rest of my life!"

After that, it was all hurray, hurray for Big Brother Henning.

What is this atmosphere?

"... I'm getting too hot. Forget it."

In the midst of all this, the red-faced Big Brother turned away, looking embarrassed.

Well, he's adored, isn't he?

That's right. I will work hard for this territory and for Big Brother and his family.

Maybe fighting is the same as everything else.

I think I understand a little more now.

"Big Brother, I think I'll try my best."

"I see. Whenever it gets hard, you can come to me. I've had more failures and embarrassing experiences than anyone else."

Big Brother smiled and seemed like a very dependable and mature gentleman.

The thought of him being my own brother made me pleased.


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