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So as some of you know I had a twenty-four hour stream that I just recovered from, so apologies on this being a little late as well as one or two other things.  But in any case let's get right on to May, shall we?

So a lot of high notes in May; not only did a lot of writing get done as far as commissions were concerned and a lot of posting happening here on patreon but we also hit a hundred patreons!  Unfortunately June is quarterly taxes so I don't have much in the way to celebrate, but I'm sure come July we can think of something.  Smilodon Studio also got a major upgrade in the form of a powerful rig that can now not only handle streaming but other potential projects as well.  Considering that my other computer is almost useless at this point it was a much needed piece of equipment and I hope that it will last me as long as the other one.

The only real downer of the month was in the delivery of the rig; even though I had asked for overnight delivery FedEx decided that they would rather have me wait over the entire Memorial Day holiday because of their extremely asinine shipping practices.  Needless to say that was an entire extended weekend worth of work down the drain and now I'm rather behind when it comes to both my commissions and the schedule I had for Rain and Shine.  Hopefully we can do some serious catch-up now that I don't have to worry about overheats, especially since we're coming into June and the start of summer.

Speaking of June the plan is kind of the same as last month; keep grinding away on commissions and get the overhaul for Rain and Shine started.  I might also be looking into the tiers and seeing if they need any updating, particularly the $25 tier where I might shift the incentive away from commission pieces and more towards something else.  We're a little behind the eight-ball here already with a fifteen dollar loss for June so far, hopefully we can do like we did the last two months and turn that negative into a super positive!

Also on a final note those waiting for the Rain and Shine update, it is almost finished and tomorrow I'm expecting to do the final playtesting and posting.  I think you're all going to enjoy it because it's a casino!  :D


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