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Hi all,

I'm feeling already a lot better and that means I got some time to test the rabbits some more. First of all, I'm not going to change the way the rabbits behave, so they will keep digging holes if they want to.

The following you might already know, but I didn't (as I haven't played that much with Cottage Living yet). To make the chance bigger that the wild rabbits will stay on your lot, you will need to place a rabbit home tree trunk. Instead of digging a hole, most of them will then go into the tree trunk to rest during the day and sleep at night. As you normally need to befriend a wild rabbit to unlock the rabbit home, I've unlocked it myself from the debug section. I then discovered that this rabbit home can accomodate up to 5 rabbits, which I think is not enough, so I raised this to 10.

So far I've seen up to 8 rabbits sleeping at night in the tree trunk. I also got some last exception pop-ups though, but as the mod that was causing it, was the placeable rabbits mod, while I didn't changed anything on the tuning, I asked TwistedMexi for help. He took a look at the rabbit mod, but said it was looking fine. Luckely this isn't where his help stops, so the upcoming week I hope we can find something that causes this 'bug' and I will be able to fix it. In the mean time, I want to make a few additional recolors of the tree trunk and add some additional deco slots. More news will follow!
