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Hello all,

I'm sorry for not giving any more updates about the rabbits, but I wasn't feeling very well the past few days. Sunday I went for a walk in the early morning to spot birds with some friends and everything was still fine. I even had an enormous energetic boost when I came back home because of all the birds I saw that day, including 3 new ones I never saw before.

But in the evening it felt weird in my stomach and that night I barely slept. Monday it felt like all of my energy was gone and the strange feeling wasn't over yet. Yesterday I already felt a bit better and today I only felt a bit bad in the morning, though I'm still feeling a bit low on energy. 

Placeable Rabbits
Last week my idea was to release the rabbits this week as it would fit quite well with Easter this weekend, but it isn't going to be possible unfortunately.
What also wasn't possible last week is to figure out how to make the bunnies to stop digging holes. I thought I found a way, but with it came other problems I couldn't solve. I think it has something to do with the fact that they have to be able to "go home". Either by digging the holes or by going into a tree trunk. They also have a massive tuning for which I only understand half of it, so maybe it's better to stay away from it.

As far as I saw, most rabbits that disappeared by digging holes, returned after a while through another hole somewhere on the lot, but I probably need to look at it a bit longer to see if this is a repeating process. Unfortunately this makes making a bunny pen in which the rabbits can't escape impossible.

So some more testing is needed, but adding wild rabbits with whatever color variation you want to your lot should be possiblewith this mod! Whenever I know more, I will let you know.



I hope you fully recover quickly, Bakie. Your health is important!!! I'm also happy to hear you got to see three new birds - how exciting! 🐦🐦🐦


but isn't that how rabbits behave??....why change that?? after all they come back :)


Totally true, but my first idea was to make it so you could 'lock them up' in a bunny pen. Though they're not quite 'wild' anymore then! So I will probably let them dig holes. ;)