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I'm sorry for the lack of content this week, but I just haven't got much time yet to work on The Sims. I will try to upload the entire house in screenshots today together with some more info about it. I'm starting with an overview of the ground floor and the living room.

Outdoor Back Garden
As I didn't mention it in my former post, the 'cage' on the outside of the house is for their cats (It's called a catio, I know for like 2 minutes now.) In real life their cats can enter this cage through a cat flap in the window. This gives the cats the possibility to go outside without killing other animals like birds. Their cage is a bit bigger then the one made in game. The cage itself is made with objects from my unfinished aviary project which I hope to finish some where in the future..

When clicking the following objects (names) that can be found in the garden, you will be directed to their showcase videos, where more info can be seen as well as the download link in their video descriptions can be found: Animated Chickens, Branches Fence and Logs.

Living Room
In the living room an extra custom wallpaper can be seen. The blue wallpaper is from the game itself, but the one where only the lower part has that same color is a custom one made by me. If you think this would be useful for your own houses too, then I might make this wallpaper available for the community too. Things as the skeletons in the bookcase are shrinked down objects added by raising them a bit, so nothing new. The corner seat is created by merging two sofas together with MOO activated.

In the next post I will share screenshots of the hallway, kitchen, storage room and the garage.

