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Ok, so I started to mod a bit for my upcoming release. (Not this week)
I already mentioned that my plans were to make the large group of Jungle butterflies to be placeable into our own worlds too and that I decided to make some sort of stamps for them too, instead of only making thme into invisible objects.

On this Sneak Peek Image, you see those stamps for the 3 groups of butterflies. Each stamp of a butterfly will spawn it's own group of butterflies where the most of them will look like the stamp on the ground.
In game these stamps look a bit like somebody accidentally stood right on top of them by the way.

The nice thing of these stamps is that the second swatch will make them into invisible objects. This way you can choose for yourself if you want them to be visible, so better findable to replace or delete them, or invisible if you're sure that you will easily find them back.

More info and sneak peeks about how the butterflies effect itself will look, will be shared later. 




Very cool - thank you, Bakie! <3