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Hello all,

An update on my broken foot thingy. I went to the hospital again today where they made another photo. They said everything still looks as it's suppose to look, so the broken bone is still in the good place and such. They removed the plaster from last week and now I have some sort of "moon boot", I think in English it's called a "walking boot" which I have to wear for at least another 4 weeks.

The biggest advantage of this boot compared to the plaster is that I can remove it when sitting/lying still. Now this doesn't mean that I won't be wearing it at all when I'm sitting still as I think keeping everything in place is better, but at least I can take it off at night or in the evening when lying on the couch. Or even better, I can take a shower without having to pack my leg into plastic :P

Anyway, I hope this will also make the time I can spend behind my pc longer, so I can try to start modding a bit. I won't be uploading new mods this week or next week probably, but at least I can do some more while at home. That also means I will be sharing new things with my patrons again, only not as many as I used to probably.

Thanks for the kind words that has been send on multiple different social networks. :)


Lesley Sebastian

So glad you're doing better. That boot will give you some great and comfortable support for your foot while it heals. Be careful not to slip, because if it's like the one I wore, there is no traction on the bottom.


It does feel like A LOT better then the plaster did. Almost like a normal shoe...almost.. ;) I'm still using some crutches besides the boot, because after only one week I'm scared to fully lean on my foot. It's a bit stiff too. And I'm also still using my wheelchair sometimes as I still can't bring my food and drink to other places in house without it. But thanks for the warning anyway. :)


Yay for good news! :D