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Got a soft ban for a pic I posted in 2015.
What a world.

The offending image is attached, see if you can spot the minor being corrupted by sinful nudity!
(Y'know, the kid in the back with his eyes closed by his mom so he can't see anything???)

I understand why FA has these rules, kids in sexual situations are bound to make people feel uncomfortable. But nudity is not inherently sexual, and the idea that the simple act of viewing a naked body is somehow dangerous to minors, is absurd. (which is actually the point i was trying to make by including the kid in the first place)

I won't fight this, cuz that's just FA for ya, but I will have to be more careful posting in the future.




Completely with you on this one, Lyzer. :/ Though be careful, Patreon also prohibits non-paywalled/public NSFW posts like this, so you might need to lock it to a Patron tier to avoid getting in trouble here as well.


Yep... Sounds EXACTLY like how FA handles things...


This is pathetic, I agree with you Lyser. But yeah nudity isn’t pornography, come on, should art galleries be closed because of nudity and people feeling uncomfortable? If you feel uncomfortable, don’t watch it. Stop complaining because, there’s a lot of stuff that should be banned. But your artwork Lyzer, I don’t see anything wrong, isn’t it a normal thing for most parents to make their kids not look? I’m just saying


I had a similar issue on one of my posts. Last year I had an admin DM me and tell me one of my posts got flagged and if I received two more, I'd be banned. I checked to what got offended, and it was suggestive nude. From 2014. So I guess even -implied- nudity can make people uncomfortable. So I had to go through a large chunk of my gallery, change up the tags, and make sure I couldn't get flagged again over a post I made years ago. :/


well that's dumb sorry that happend to ya Lyser I fail to see anything wrong going on other then a small wardrobe malfunction but not something that is ban able it's just a bit of nudity nothing major but knowing how FA handles so much stuff so poorly i guess this isn't a surprise

Times Chu

Guh. That sucks ass. I'm surprised you didn't contest it, but I get that you've been stressed enough lately.

Leon K

Well, this is a shitty situation.

Solar Bear

Oh no, the childs poor closed eyes ! Just imagine if they were open, he would see a womans back, tail and wings. Oh the humanity ! But in all seriousness though. Took them 4 years to have an issue with this piece of art ? A dress slipping off and a child that can't see anything ? Talk about sticking a blindfold on the admins and letting them wildly fire suspensions at people. If they really want to "protect" the innocence, send them to inkbunny, see how long it takes before they run back to FA screaming about being unclean ;p


The mug read my mind