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After endless fiddling with wallpaper engine's wallpaper creator, I finally got everything I originally wanted to work, to work!
Amy now blinks, and has an optional x-ray wet-suit that can be turned on or off in the settings.

Download here: (wallpaper engine required)
(if you already had it downloaded it *should* automatically update)

Originally I also planned on doing a sunset version, but with how long it took to get this  functional... I decided to shelve that idea for now ^^'

Also I included high def still versions in the attachments for everyone who doesn't have wallpaper editor. <3




Once again it's looking good, the added blinks do help and it's nice being able to set the wallpaper to something a little bit less revealing in case of the computer gaining unwanted attention. Again though with a little bit of a critique and once again not sure what the limitations of the software allow (or time since this might fall more under traditional animation) but the blink cycle is a little I want to say stiff. By that I mean the transition between open to close might be lacking or the timing of the frames might be a little off (can't tell which with out looking at the original file). Do you have any breakdowns or in-betweens from where the eye is open and the eye is closed and vise versa? Also I know animation can be very time consuming and there has to be a point where you basically say you are done since you can literally tweak an animation for an insane amount of time but there are a few other things that could be done to improve upon this even further provided you're interested. On a side note a little sad to hear about the shelved sunset option/variant but perfectly understandable due to time constraints and wanting to get other projects going. Keep up the good work.


Lyser you’re a an artist! Well done my friend


Actually the animation wasn't the hard part, the editing tool apparently had an update since the last time I worked on this, which made the preview (what I was working on) different from the final rendered version. x_x So the first attempt at her blinking was near perfect in the editor, with a really natural look... until I rendered it as a wallpaper, which changed all the parameters I had for the movement effects, and made her eyelid freak out... I played around with a few more options this morning and found a decent workaround using a fade effect instead of moving her eyelid. It works, but it still isn't as good as the first try looked in the editor. To get it all to work correctly I would have to start the project from scratch and re-animate everything with the new update in place, which I just don't have time for right now :( However, when I eventually get back to making the sunset version I'll have to start from scratch anyway, so that version will have the original blink, as well as a few other new goodies I have ideas for. For now I need to focus on other stuff, but I like this project way too much not to come back to it when I have more time ^^


No worries love 😉 send you an invitation on steam

Times Chu

Rad as heck, my dude.


Yeah when technology works it works great but when it doesn't want to work or someone performs an update it makes you want to bash your head ^^' I'll look forward to the updated versions. Though if you want to get really ambitious with it you could have the background have a time cycle tied to the computer's internal clock which could be really interesting to see.


Omgggggg I know I'm late to comment but this looks awesome! :3333 I know you posted the nude version a little while ago, but the way the water waves and the slight bounce of the board and everything are so cooooool