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In the following weeks Autumn became less critical of her opulent eating habits, but also didn’t embrace the idea of gaining any more weight or being completely at her husband's mercy as she often expressed during moments of passion.

Knowing she was well over 400 pounds weighed on her in more ways than one. Without so many words it was decided if she wasn’t able or willing to drastically decrease her daily calorie intake, if she was going to be this curvy goddess of such immense proportions, then she would need to force herself to get some sort of exercise.

They bought a top-of-the-line NordicTrack treadmill in November of 2023 and placed it in the guest bedroom.

Autumn swore she would use it at least 15 minutes a day, just to maintain some strength in her lungs and legs; but haughty proclamations of 15 minutes a day quickly turned into more reality based ideals of 10 minutes every other day, and as time went on it became clear to Mike that she was lucky to step on the machine more than once in a given week.

He didn’t pressure her either way. He didn’t scold her for breaking promises to herself or for changing her mind; and he didn’t praise her during the few times she actually did put her athletic gear on and use the thing.

He kept his mouth shut for the most part, and remained indifferent about it, at least on the surface, just waiting to see how things would play out, and in his heart, he wanted what was best for her.

They had Thanksgiving with Mike’s side of the family, and got through it without too much of an ordeal over Autumn’s weight, aside from a few issues involving the inadequate sizes of chairs and looks of disbelief from some relatives seeing her in person for the first time in years; as well as Mike having to go through another awkward chat with his dad.

In December however, with a Christmas dinner in Oregon looming, Autumn seemed to find a miraculous burst of motivation to get into an exercise routine.

Mike stepped by the open doorway and was overwhelmed by the sight of his wife plowing away on her treadmill, still such a rare and stunning display of pampered and exorbitant beauty. She was wearing a spaghetti strap tank top and a pair of skin tight athletic shorts, tiny enough to not fully cover her basketball sized butt cheeks.

He watched her from behind. Her hips were wider than the machine itself and each of her gargantuan dimpled thighs lumbered forward in short, heavy and wobbly strides while her hands clung tightly to the sidebars as if needing them to remain upright.

She was going at an extremely slow pace, and it was only a handful of seconds later that she brought it to a stop, stepped off and turned around.

“Jesus, (pant, gasp, wheeze) how long have you (gasp, pant) been standing there?” she said, picking a wedgie out of her butt.

Mike leaned against the door’s frame and smirked. “Sorry, I couldn’t help myself, just watching you walk is mesmerizing.”

She fanned herself with her hand and after several quick gasps for air, stuck her tongue out at him. “You’re such a (gasp) pervert.”

“Is this 3 days in a row now?”

“What (huff, gasp) are you keeping track?”

He smiled and shook his head. “No, I just live here. How far did you walk?”

She exhaled deeply, then turned to check the treadmill’s console. “Uhh, (pant) point two nine miles I guess.” She gave him a look of defeat. “Damn (gasp, huff) I thought I went further than that.”

“Feeling good?”

She stared at him, expressionless. “Yeah, (gasp, pant) I think better than the way I felt when I did this (huff) a couple days ago. I could barely go 2 minutes without wanting to die.” She grabbed her bottle of Smartwater from the treadmill’s cup holder, then carefully lowered her hips into the leather loveseat that was placed against the wall of the guest room. Her face was flush and she was still struggling to catch her breath.  “Not that I (gasp, cough) don’t want to die right now.”

“Why are you pushing yourself so hard?”

She relaxed her posture, leaning backwards and letting her legs spread out wide to make room for her belly. “I don’t (pant) know.” Her head tilted downward and she ran her hand over her naked thigh. She sighed, took a drink of water then looked up at Mike. “I’m (gasp, pant) embarrassed to admit it but I’m nervous about (huff) seeing my parents.”

Mike tucked his thumbs into the pockets of his Levis and shrugged. “Why?”

“I’m nervous (gasp, pant) about them seeing me this big.”

“What? That's not like you. You’ve never worried about that stuff before.”

She tossed her water bottle aside and balled her hands into fists. “I’ve never been this (huff, gasp) big before. (gasp, wheeze) I’ve never even so much as imagined I could ever even get this big, (gasp) let alone actually be this big in real life.” Her eyes slanted. “I mean (gasp) I seriously can’t even walk for more than (huff)a few minutes anymore.”

Mike stepped forward and kneeled at her feet. “Hey hey hey, it’s alright.” He gently caressed the outer part of her thigh and gazed at her lovingly.  “If you want to get more physically active you can’t expect to get there overnight.”

She placed her hand, slightly wet with sweat, over his. “Yeah I know, you're right. (gasp) Being consistent has (pant) always been the hard part for me.”

He looked her up and down. She was enormous beyond words. Her shirt failed to cover the entirety of her belly and she looked thoroughly encased in rolls upon rolls of fat from her neck to her calves. Her thighs were now literally the diameter of bed pillows, so massive and swollen that they lifted her belly upward until it oozed into her cantaloupe-sized tits like over-inflated balloons fighting for territory.

“Don’t beat yourself up. I’ll protect you when we go see your mom,” he said.

“Okay, (gasp) but help me stay on track with the treadmill. I’d like to be able to actually walk around my parents house this Christmas without (huff) feeling like I’m going to pass out.”

Mike gave her a lukewarm nod. It had taken years for her to get this out-of-shape, and he knew it would take years of commitment and hard work for her to get back to even some semblance of normal health and mobility, or at least to the way she perhaps thought of herself in her own mind.

The last time she truly dedicated herself towards real fitness was when she was in her mid-twenties. She was now in her early thirties with a few more addictions and a few hundred extra pounds on her naturally petite feminine figure. If she was going to break her cycle of excess calories and deficient physical activity, it was going to be an improbable uphill battle to state the obvious.

“Okay baby. I’ll do my best to keep you on track,” he said.

Autumn’s fears about seeing her family at over 400 pounds ended up being moot, as sadly in December, on the first day of winter, her father Gary passed away from a heart attack. The joy of the season was instantly destroyed and preparations for a holiday feast were replaced with tears, mournful phone calls and later, funeral arrangements.

It was a terrible time for Autumn and a horrible way to bring the year to a close.

Exercising once again became the furthest thing from her mind as the reality set in that her dad would never meet her kids, should she ever choose to have any. He would never be there to console her, as he had been her entire life, and her Mom would now be alone for the foreseeable future.

As 2024 progressed, Autumn sunk into an anxiety fueled depression. She would often lay in bed for an entire week, just eating and blankly petting the Samson, only getting up to go pee, smoke, or take a bath. The treadmill began to collect dust and her eating habits exploded into mindless comfort binges that sometimes lasted all day and late into the night.

It wasn’t eating to gain weight or to feel sexy anymore, it was eating to self-soothe and ease stress; or possibly it was now simply feeding a growing addiction to food. Whatever it was she didn’t talk much about it, she just ate.

Eventually, winter turned to spring and spring into summer, and the grieving process for her dad took its course and things began to feel somewhat normal again. The problem then became, (perhaps without fully realizing it) that all that snacking and binging Autumn had been doing during the first half of the year had left her bigger and more out of shape than ever, and she was suffering the consequences.

It seemed obvious to Mike that it was her increased levels of THC and alcohol consumption that kept her numb to the realities of what was happening to her body.

She had taken up dabbing, often doing it first thing in the morning to nurse the excesses of the night before. Her tolerance had become high enough she was able to do this and still perform well at her job, but it was a practice and a habit that prevented her from ever having a true moment of sober clarity in regards to how grossly overweight she was in fact getting.

The wine clouded her better judgments in the evenings and the cannabis blurred her perceptions in the mornings and throughout her days. She still got the munchies, or so it appeared as her appetite was always ravenous.

Nearly every night in bed she would fall asleep with the TV on and an empty bowl of ice cream, or an empty box of cookies, or both, next to her on the nightstand.

Mike was always ready to pop out of bed and run to the kitchen to so dutifully bring her whatever treat, extra slice of cake, extra glass of wine, or anything she requested at a moment's notice.

All those added little late night indulgences took their toll however, and by July Autumn was a hot mess on the verge of becoming a 500 pound hedonistic libertine of pure self-inflicted voluptuousness.

It was a strange thing for Mike to witness because she seemed to be mostly in denial about it. Concern about her health aside, he would’ve loved it if she had embraced her weight more, sexualized her weight more so they could fully indulge their most primal and fantastical urges in the bedroom, but she didn’t.

Outwardly she was holding a similar attitude to the one she had before her dad passed, talking frequently about how she wanted to start exercising and eating healthier again, while never actually taking action towards those so-called goals.

“God, (gasp, wheeze) everyday I walk past the treadmill, (huff) and everyday I tell myself I’m going to start using it again (gasp) but I never do,” Autumn said as she toddled past the guest bedroom after having a cigarette on the back patio.

Holding her hand, Mike helped guide her back towards the living room. “Look baby, if you want to use it, use it. Otherwise stop berating yourself for not doing something you don’t really want to do anyway.”

She plopped down onto the sofa, causing it to make a tremendous sound of deflation. She was so huge now that Mike feared it was only a matter of time before the couch gave out under her weight.

“It’s easier (huff, gasp) for me to workout when you’re not home (pant) I think.” She bit her lip then looked at Mike. “Don’t you need to go (pant, huff) for a bike ride or something?”

“Do you want me to?”

“Maybe,” she said meekly as she arched her back and adjusted the straps of her low-cut black camisole. “I don’t know, (gasp, pant) it's just that you’re so healthy and here I am with my big fat tits and ass, (gasp, cough) still smoking cigarettes. It’s like impossible for me not to feel(gasp) judged when you’re around.”

He sat down next to her in the narrow space between her hip and the armrest of the sofa. He put his hand on the warm cushiness of her neckline, then let his fingers slowly dangle over her heaving breasts. “Come on, you know I’m not like that, I would never judge you. You know I love the contrast between us. I’m always hard and you’re always soft.”

She rolled her eyes. “I know, (huff) but you get what I’m saying. It’s embarrassing for me to be all sweaty and out of breath (gasp) and so out-of-shape on the treadmill, knowing that you're (huff, cough) still probably getting off from staring at my butt. (gasp)It makes it hard to focus.”

He leaned in and kissed her upper arm. It was now so big and fat that it was developing rolls of its own and beginning to sag at the elbow. “Okay babe, I’ll give you some space to do your thing.”

“Thank you.” She smiled, reached down and tickled the side of his waist. “You need to keep an (gasp, huff) eye on these love handles anyway.”

He shot to his feet and faced her. “What? I don’t have any love handles.”

She gave him a haughty smirk. “Hey, (gasp) what do they say? If you can (pant) pinch an inch?”

“That’s it, I’m going for a long bike ride.”

“You better, (pant) need you to stay sexy for me.”

He looked at her with an eyebrow raised. “So it’s just all about looks with you is that it?”

She bent forward and cupped her boobs with both hands. “I might (pant) like the contrast too.”

He grinned and leaned in to kiss her. “You bad girl.”

“Shut up (pant, gasp) and get out of here,” she said, pushing him away.

As soon as Mike was out the door and on his bike, Autumn reached for her phone and opened up her Pizza Hut App.

She was being honest when she told him she felt judged when he was around, but it had less to do with the embarrassment of him seeing her wheeze away on the treadmill than it had to do with him witnessing one of her true eating binges.

She was well aware that he would probably love to watch her make a total pig of herself, but she was unable to completely let loose and eat the way she wanted under the analytical eye of another person, even if it was her curve chasing feeder of a husband. She still had a deeply ingrained belief from her upbringing that a real lady should never be seen stuffing her face.

It was Sunday, and having consumed one of his large breakfasts of bacon, eggs, fruit and blueberry pancakes just hours prior, she shouldn’t have been hungry, but she was.

She felt starving, and just the thought of warm endless slices of pizza all to herself made her mouth water. She ordered The Big Dinner Box, which included two stuffed-crust pizzas, cheesy breadsticks and buffalo wings. It was enough food for a family of four, but she tacked on an oven baked bowl of chicken alfredo pasta, two ultimate chocolate chip cookies and a two liter bottle of Sierra Mist for good measure.

Having secret fast food gorging sessions was something she had started doing after her dad died, as it always seemed to fill the void he had left in her heart, and large quantities of melty cheeses, toasty breads and warm gooey desserts never failed to comfort her and make her feel wonderfully childlike again, albeit temporarily.

When the food finally arrived, she dove straight in, wary of the time and the knowledge that her husband would be back soon. She started with the pepperoni, then moved on to some breadsticks, then to the Hawaiian chicken pizza, then to the pasta and the cookies, then back to the pepperoni.

Samson stared down at her from atop the bookshelf.

She looked up at him with her mouth full.

God, it was as though even her own cat was judging her.

She ignored him and went back to eating.

It was ironic that everything was so delicious to her, as  cheap highly processed chain restaurant food like Pizza Hut, was something she wouldn’t have been caught dead eating a few years ago, but things had changed. Now she actually enjoyed that highly refined, addictive assembly line taste so far as to download an App.

She ate fast and robotically, with little wasted movements as all of her energy focused on getting as much food into her stomach as quickly as possible while keeping one eye on her episode of Friends.

Her smorgasbord of a feast disappeared steadily and before she knew what happened she looked down and found there was nothing left except a lone slice of the Hawaiian pizza, two breadsticks and half of one of the giant cookies.

She gasped and reclined back on the sofa. She was a little winded, and she placed her hands on her expanding belly and felt the way it moved slowly in and out each time she strained to inhale air into her overworked lungs.

She felt so heavy, so bloated, and so horny.

God, why was she like this?

Why did she have to stuff herself to the point of not being able to move and why did it make her feel so aroused?

Her vibrator was all the way in the bedroom. There was no way she was getting up and walking all the way over there in the state she was in, besides; the idea of her husband coming home suddenly excited her.

She scooted herself forward and took a drink of the Sierra Mist straight from the bottle. She looked back at the pizza.

Just one more slice, and maybe some more of the cookie, then she had to somehow get off the couch and get the pizza box and all the evidence into the trash and recycle bins which were all the way over in the garage.

She let out a burp, took a deep breath, and went back to eating.

“Home honey I’m high!” Mike said as he wheeled his bicycle through the front door of the house with a burst of fresh air and mid-summer sunshine.

Autumn stood in the kitchen, next to the door to the garage just as it clicked shut. She looked startled and she was breathing heavily.  “Oh, (gasp) hey baby.”

He leaned his bike against the couch and took his helmet off. “What were you doing in the garage?”

She slowly wiggled towards him, the wood flooring creaking loudly with each step.

He looked so good with his tangled helmet hair, white t-shirt and REI athletic shorts. Despite her jokes about love handles, the reality was that her husband had miraculously maintained his 30 inch waist and washboard abs, which were features she admittedly found wickedly pleasing about him.

“(huff)Nothing,” she said before biting the corner of her mouth and shifting her weight to one hip. “I was just about (gasp, hiccup) to lay down in bed, you should (gasp, burp) come with me and tell me about your bike ride.”

Mike gazed at her curiously. Her face was flush and glossy with sweat, but it appeared as though she had reapplied some lipstick and touched up her makeup. She looked bloated, but at her incredible size it was hard to tell.

That being said, he had never seen her look so huge before. Her skimpy top and matching black leggings squeezed her like a sausage casing, and rolls of fat flowed out of her at every hem and edge of her stylish, yet undersized outfit.

If she wasn’t 500 pounds, she had to be getting close.

She could even be more than that for all Mike knew, as he remembered how she was always heavier than she looked, and she looked pretty damn heavy.

He took her by the shoulders and pulled her close. “Baby you’re so out of breath, and you’re warm. I told you not to push yourself too hard on that thing.”

She gently rubbed her body against him, hoping he would smell the breath mint she just ate and her freshly administered perfume instead of the remnants of thousands of calories of Pizza Hut.  “Oh, uh (gasp) yeah, (huff) might be time for me to take a few days off (hiccup) from the treadmill.”

Mike felt his legs tremble. Even after all these years she could still give him that wonderfully weak feeling in his knees like only a woman can. With her voluminous hair tied back in a messy ponytail, the pouty part in her full wet lips and the penetrating gaze of her ethereal eyes; she looked so hot and so damn attractive he literally could hardly stand it.

“That’s a good idea, give those shapely quads a break,” he said, placing his hand on her trunk-like thigh. “Are you hungry for lunch yet? We haven't had pizza in a few days, plus you deserve a post workout reward right?”

Her eyes wandered as she nervously played with her hair. “Sure baby, (gasp, pant) you can order me a pizza. But (hiccup) ooohh…(gasp) get a good one, don’t just (hiccup) order Pizza Hut or some crap.”

“Why do you have the hiccups?”

“I don’t…oooh (hiccup) I was just thirsty (gasp, pant) so I had some Sierra Mist.”

He looked at her suspiciously. “Oh, okay.”

“Just (gasp, pant) help me to bed first please. (hiccup) I’m really horny for you and (gasp, huff) I need to get off my feet.”

He cracked a big smile and turned towards his bike. “I should take a quick shower.”

She grabbed his forearm and pulled him back. Her voice softened to a sensual coo. “No. (gasp) I like your sweat. (burp) We will (pant) shower together afterwards.” She pressed her tits firmly into his lower chest.

His eyes went wide and his mind went blank.

Chapter 26 coming soon :)



Really love the story. I miss the Autumn sensuality during that moment of weakness after her dad's loss. Hope things between Mike and Autumn are well and sex and love will be at the maximum soon.