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Richard was still in awe of what had happened to Autumn during the pandemic. To see her go from the ultra-curvy smoke-show she had been when he first interviewed her in January of 2020, to the wobbly and morbidly obese seductress she was now, was more arousing and amusing to him than anything he had ever witnessed. He had no idea that a woman gaining so much weight like that could be so incredibly attractive.

He stared as she slowly wiggled her way across the lobby and towards the table. The soft lighting of the high-end steakhouse seemed to give her an angelic glow. Wearing no jacket, her dress clung to every curve, roll and bulge on her body and its muted yellow color brought out the redness in her stylish hair and left him breathless.  “Autumn, glad you could make it,” he said.

Standing before him she fanned herself with her hand and took a few deep breaths before she spoke. “Well, (huff, gasp) Morton’s is hard to say no to Richard.” She smiled and gestured to the man standing to her right. “This (pant) is my husband Mike. Mike, this is my boss, Richard.”

Mike grinned and shook Richard’s hand. “Nice to meet you finally.”

Richard gazed up at Mike and felt his heart sink. He supposed it was inevitable that Autumn’s husband would be absurdly handsome. He was so good-looking that Richard felt foolish for letting himself have notions of infidelity with his most treasured protege. Despite his wealth and position of power, and with only a simple introduction to go by, Richard knew he would never be able to compete with Mike.

“The pleasure is mine. Please, sit down,” Richard said before sitting himself.

There were a dozen or so people seated around the table and after getting situated and making a few more introductions and brief small talk, Mike noticed the look of discomfort on his wife’s face. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, better now that I’m off my feet,” Autumn said. “Could definitely use a drink, you’re driving by the way.”

Mike smiled and unfolded his cloth napkin. “No problem.” The rain had been heavy enough that morning that Mike left his motorcycle at home and carpooled with his wife.

Autumn eyed the steaming warm bowl of bread and its various sides of butters and olive oils, ironically placed directly in front of her. “Oh god, (gasp) that looks so good right now, (pant) I wish I could have some.”

Justine looked on from across the table. “Are you doing the low carb thing?”

“No, (huff) I’m just trying to give up gluten for a while,” Autumn said. “I’ve been very low energy (pant) lately so I want to see what happens if I try something different.”

Justine nodded. “Makes sense. I gave up caffeine last year and I actually have more energy now than I did before.” Much like Richard, Justine was also amazed by how much Autumn had blown up over the years. It was staggering how big she had become, and Justine thought that for Autumn, this anti-gluten thing was a long time coming.

“That’s great,” Autumn said, still eyeing the bread.

Autumn ordered bacon wrapped scallops, and a twelve ounce filet mignon with a side of sauteed brussels sprouts. Despite dinner being a work expense Mike was so disgusted by some of the prices that he simply went with a cheeseburger and fries.

“God…mmm(chew, chew) this is so delicious,” Autumn said after a bite of the exceedingly juicy and tender steak. “You (gasp) need to try this babe.”

Mike cut a piece from her plate and put it in his mouth. “Yeah that’s really good. Wanna try a bite of my burger?” It was only after the words left his tongue that he realized that she wouldn’t be able to have any.

Autumn smiled. “Mmm…I thought (pant) you’d never ask.”

Surprised, Mike handed her the burger and she took a big bite.

“Mmm, (chew, chew) this is (chew) amazing.” She held it with both hands, and then took yet another large bite before finally giving it back to her husband.

Mike looked at her with a twinkle in his eye but restrained from commenting.

As the evening progressed Autumn consumed everything on her plate, then proceeded to mindlessly graze away on her husband’s fries, and then, after her third glass of Malbec, she dove into the bread whole-heartedly.

Justine raised her eyebrows as she witnessed the way Autumn was smothering herbal butter on piece after piece of bread before shoving them into her mouth, one after the other like they were going out of style.

What the hell happened to her?

How in the world could she let herself go like this?

Whatever the reasons, it couldn’t be good. She was so fat it was kind of unbelievable to Justine, and no less cringy to see her continue to eat her way closer and closer towards total oblivion.

Justine looked up and made a quick eye-exchange with Mike, both of them seeing the same thing and both deciding not to draw attention to it.

“(huff)Shit,” Autumn said, entering the house from the garage. “So (hiccup, gasp) much for (wheeze) giving up wheat. God why the fuck (pant) do I always end up eating too much whenever we go (cough) to one of these things.”

Holding her hand to keep her steady, Mike guided his wife to the sofa where she promptly collapsed. She was tipsy and so stuffed that she was wheezing, sweating and struggling to get enough oxygen into her compromised lungs.

Once she started on the bread during the dinner she had been unable to stop, and when she had eaten almost a total of two loaves, she flagged down the server and asked for an order of lobster ravioli before summoning both a slice of cheesecake and a bowl of bread pudding from the dessert menu.

“Don’t beat yourself up about it,” Mike said. “Giving up gluten is insane anyway.”

“How (huff, gasp) do you mean?”

“Do you seriously want to voluntarily make yourself live in a world without baguettes, croutons, pie, cake and nearly every other food on the planet?”

“I just (gasp, cough) wanted to try it (huff) for a while, I wasn’t going to do it forever.”

Mike crouched down, placed his hands on her knees and looked her in the eye. “Do you know what it was that first made me really fall in love with you?”

“I might (pant) have a few guesses.”

“When we got coffee at Victrola right after I moved to the hill. I said something about how there was so many gluten-free people these days and you rolled your eyes and told me that you don’t give into trends that easily.”

“Really?” She arched her brows. “So it was (gasp) that important to you?”

“I don’t know. Maybe I just loved how you’ve always been your own person, so wonderfully different compared to  all the other girls.”

She scooted herself forward a little, pushing her belly out right in front of his face. “You just (huff, pant) needed to know I could eat wheat because you probably wanted my (hiccup) butt to get bigger.”

He smiled then gave her belly a kiss. He then sunk his fingers into her massive love handles and gazed upward. “You think you’ve got me so figured out don’t you.”

“I know you (gasp) better than you know yourself.” Her lips pushed into a devious smirk. “Aren't you going to make me my (pant) German pancake?”

He stood. “Are you serious?”

“When am I (gasp) not serious?” She grabbed the end of his silk tie and pulled. “Come here.” She brought him close and made him kiss her on the mouth. “I want you and I (huff) want you to weigh me tonight, (hiccup) but it wouldn’t make sense for me to step on the scale without having my..oooh (gasp) dessert first.”

His heart raced, as he felt a burning lust rising up within him.


She’d already had two desserts.

She already had two desserts, a huge dinner, and an entire basket of bread only a couple days after announcing she was going to cut gluten from the vast richness of her decadent diet.

There was something about the way she could blatantly change her mind so unapologetically that made her seem acutely feminine, and it turned him on relentlessly. “I love you, so much.”

Her intoxicated eyes beamed at him. “Now (huff, wheeze) get your adorable little (hiccup) butt in the kitchen.”

He couldn’t wipe the smile off his face if he tried, nor did he have the ability to say no to her. She did need to lose weight, she did need to eat less and get more physically active, but if it was tough love she required Mike knew he wasn’t the person to give it. He would sooner turn in his proverbial man card than deny his beautiful wife any of her favorite treats or vices.

“As you wish,” he said.

She stabbed the last piece of pancake with her fork, then smeared it around on her plate, soaking up all remaining maple syrup and took a bite. She peered up at her husband with glossy weary eyes. “Oh (ooof, gasp) god. (hiccup) I think I’m ready to pass out.”

Mike took her empty plate and put it on the coffee table. “No, not yet baby, please.”

“First you need to get me off this couch. I don’t think I can, (huff, wheeze) move right now.” She adjusted her position and rocked forward, but remained seated, as her ass was simply too heavy to be lifted off the sofa under her own power. “Oh (gasp, wheeze) god, I’m not even (cough, huff) joking, I seriously can’t get up.”

Mike grabbed her by the wrists and assisted her to her feet. “This is what I’m here for. I’m here to make everything easy for you.”

She squished her belly and breasts into him. “Fuck (pant) that is so hot.”


“Just, just the thought (gasp, pant) of being so dependent on you, being so chunky that I’m completely at your mercy.”

He held her in his arms and brought his mouth closer to her ear. “We’re dependent on each other. Maybe that’s what love is in a way, our happiness depends on us being together.”

“Come on, (huff, pant) just help me to the scale so I can go lay down.”

In the bathroom, she sat on the wicker stool as Mike prepared the scale.

When it was ready she leaned forward and stood, as the stool was still high enough for her to get up on her own. “Oooofff, (gasp) I can tell already this is going to be a lot. (pant, cough) I can’t even remember the last time I was able to squeeze my ass into pants.”

She stepped on and Mike kneeled on the tile floor to read the numbers. “Four hundred forty-three pounds,” he said.

Autumn’s knees flinched. “400 what?”

“443.68 pounds.”

“Ummm…” She bit her lip and stepped backwards off the scale. She peered down at her husband, looking as if she had just seen a ghost. Her breathing accelerated to the point where she began fanning herself with her hand causing her entire body to jiggle with rippling waves of excess blubber. “Oooh, (gasp, huff, wheeze) well, ummm, oh my… (pant, gasp)oopsi.”

Mike stood, and pulled her close. 443 meant she had put on over 60 pounds in less than a year. He was flabbergasted, as her weight had crept up more subtly this time around. She still had that same bottom heavy hourglass shape, it was just bigger in every direction.

It was official.

His wife was over 400 pounds and it felt surreal and dreamlike. Not only was she over 400 but she was already nearly halfway to 500. “Fucking hell princess,” he said.

“Ohh, (huff) Ohh(pant, gasp) god I’m such a big sexy fatass.”

“Let’s get you off your feet.”

She nodded sheepishly. “Yeah.”

Her ass slammed into the bed with so much force that Mike worried for the wooden frame. She was sweating and completely winded.

“Help me (huff, gasp) get this off,” she said, raising her arms towards her husband.

After he peeled off her dress and unsnapped her now K-cup bra, she laid down on her side with a bouncy thud that shook the entire room. “Hand me (huff, wheeze) my toy, too tired to do anything else.”

Mike, so full of raging lusty hormones, gave her the vibrator, stripped himself naked in 3 seconds flat and climbed into bed, spooning her backside as if pulled by an electro-magnet.

The vibrator had become more of a frequent thing in recent months, as with Autumn’s increasing bulk and limited stamina, sex was more difficult than it used to be, though ironically the extra weight also seemed to make her constantly horny.

Mike ran his hand over her side, following the severely feminine contour of where her massive gelatinous hip met her girly waist of plush love handles and folding rolls of pale back fat. “I love this part of you,” he said.

“Oooh,(pant) yeah me too,” she cooed, wiggling her butt against his fully erect penis.  “I(gasp) want you to (pant, huff) grab my belly and cum on my ass.”

He rubbed himself against her, slowly and rhythmically. “You like that idea huh?”


He squeezed her upper belly, then cupped her breast with his hand. “Being totally at my mercy.”

She quivered from his touch and pressed the vibrator deeper between her thighs. “Mmhmm, (gasp, pant) yes baby. It (huff) turns me on a lot.”

“You don’t need to have energy all the time anyway. I can be your energy.”

“Yeah, (gasp) because I like my lifestyle too much. I don’t think…ooh…(gasp, huff) I’m ready to give it up.”

“Me neither.”

“My ass is so fucking huge, (gasp, pant) so is my belly.”

“You like that?”

“Yeah, it really does make me feel so sexy and so like (huff, gasp) provocative. I feel like such a (pant) girly princess.”

His fingers dug into her pillowy rolls and he slammed his pelvis into her rear end more forcefully. “You are a girly princess.”

“I'm such a fat ass,” she cooed in a breathy gasp. “I’m like (huff) Miss Piggy and your Kermit.”

He kissed the back of her neck, then began nibbling on her ear. “You’re Mrs. Piggy. Just need to get your ring resized.”

She moaned with bursts of pleasure as she adjusted the vibrator’s cadence. “Or I can (gasp) just wear it around my neck, just in case (gasp, pant, wheeze) I keep getting fatter.”

He unloaded on her as her moans turned to squeals. “Fucking hell.”



Imagine having a girl with Autumn's attributes... Now she is clearly embracing her gains, it is becoming epic!!


Really love this story. The idea to have Autumn work a regular job and having to deal with also the physical challanges while long days at the desk fuel her gain realy makes it stand out.