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“Have you seen him yet?” Larisa said.

Ashley scooted forward and tried to keep her voice down. “Yeah but I don't think he's seen me.”

Larisa and Ashley were besties. They had known each other since middle school and were so close that they chose to go to college together at Arizona State so they could be roommates. They loved to party together too, which was what they were doing now, although they had escaped to the quiet of the rooftop deck so they could actually hear themselves think for a minute.

It was a hot night in early September and the two girls were excited to get their junior years off to a fun start. Larisa took a sip from her red plastic beer cup, then looked back at her friend. “Just be patient girl, don’t let guys know how much you want them. Men are still just like stupid neanderthal hunters, they need a chase.”

Ashley sighed. “I just wish he wasn’t dating fucking Kennedy of all people.”

“Well he’s the quarterback and she’s a cheerleader, that's just the way it works I guess.” She handed Ashley the open bottle of Smirnoff. “You know they say Chad could win the Heisman this year?”

Ashley took a swig of the berry flavored vodka and made a face of disgust. “What the fuck is a Heisman?”

“Don’t ask me.” Larisa said giggling. “I’d rather sit through another European history lecture than watch a fucking football game. All I know is that being named the Heisman is good, and if he wins, his status will totally like blow the fuck up!”

Ashley buried her hands in her face. “Uhhh it’s so unfair! I’m way hotter than Kennedy!”

Larisa looked down at Ashley’s shapely thighs and the proactive way she was sitting on that outdoor loveseat. “Yeah, why don’t you just go wiggle that ass of yours in his face. I’ll bet you’ll steal him away from her in no time.”

“Yeah right. I need to lose at least 5 pounds before I do that.”

Larisa jolted backwards, her eyebrows shooting seemingly halfway up her youthful forehead. “Oh whatever, you’re already so skinny! I am so sick of you always being so critical of yourself. You’re right when you say you’re way hotter than Kennedy because you fucking are, and I would kill to have your ass. Fucking every girl I know would kill to have an ass like yours!”

Ashley took another sip of the vodka, then set it down. “No they wouldn’t!”

“Yeah they would. Come on Ash what planet are you living on? Thick is the new skinny!”

Ashley smiled for a moment at her friend’s flattery, but then quickly turned bitter. “Okay well you may be right, but Kennedy is so tall and thin! I don’t think that thick and curvy is exactly Chad’s type.”

“Whatever. I don’t know a single guy who doesn’t want a girl with a booty. I’m sure Chad is no different. You need to embrace what your mama gave you! If you have an amazing butt, and you fucking do, I mean like…goals…you should be flaunting it! I know I would if I were you. What’s that thing they say…know your worth, and if you have a big butt, double it?”

Just as Larisa finished speaking, Ashley noticed a young couple coming out of the elevator on the far side of the deck.

“Oh shit!” Ashley said.


“Is that?” Ashley snuck a closer look at the couple. It was a man and a woman. The woman looked pissed, but wait, was it? No! It was Chad Forman and Kennedy fucking Pierce. “Omigod it’s him!”

Larisa sunk lower in her seat as if to hide. “Speak of the devil.”

Kennedy was walking quickly, like she was trying to get away from Chad. Her heels clicked violently on the cement tiles and her red dress shimmered in the night sky. Chad followed her to the railing at the edge of the building. They seemed so caught up in whatever they were dealing with that they didn’t notice Ashley and Larisa sitting next to the gas fire-pit table, only twenty or so feet away.

“I’m sick and tired of you always doing this!” Chad said angrily.

“Don’t you dare fucking turn this back on me,” Kennedy said.

It was clear that they were both very upset, and they were speaking so loudly that Larisa and Ashley could hear every word, plain as day.

“How is it my fault?” Chad said. “You haven't eaten anything all day and you're so skinny you’re turning into a swivel stick. You’re the one with the problem, not me!”

The cords in Kennedy’s neck tightened and her eyes bulged wide with fury. “Oh shut the fuck up. You’re a sex addict!”

“How the hell do you figure that?”

“Come on Chad. There’s not a fatass instagram model within 50 miles that you haven’t DM’d, and fucking Onlyfans, really? That’s almost like actually paying for sex, I’d be happier if you were going to strip clubs.”

“What the hell am I supposed to do when you’re wasting away right in front of my eyes. How many times have I asked you to gain weight?”

“Don’t give me that shit. I am a cheerleader, I need to be in great shape and there’s nothing wrong with my body. You’re the one who’s obsessed with giant ass’s and fat girls.”

Larisa turned to Ashley and quietly mouthed the words: ‘I fucking told you so.’

Ashely looked like she couldn’t decide whether to be mortified or to start laughing and she covered her lips with her hand as the argument between Kennedy and Chad continued.

“Not fat girls, curvy girls,” Chad said, fuming. “Jesus Christ, excuse me if I can’t get off on jagged hip bones and sunken cheeks! I might as well be gay!”

“Fuck you,” Kennedy said, looking like she was on the brink of bursting into tears. “You’re such an asshole!”

She stormed off towards the elevator, leaving Chad to stew in his own emotions.

“Fuck me,” he said under his breath. He clasped the railing with both hands and looked down at the bright lights of Tempe below him. To his left he could see Sun Devil Stadium. He needed to get his mind right. Opening day of the football season was only a week away. He turned around and suddenly flinched at the sight of the two girls, sitting on the loveseat on the far side of the building. They made eye contact.

“Hi Chad,” Larisa said with a smirk.

He clasped his head with both hands, then begrudgingly made his way over. “Shit, you guys been here the whole time?”

“Yeah,” Larisa said.

“Did you hear all that then?” he said.

“Sorry but, we really didn’t have a choice,” Larisa said.

He paced around the glow of the fire table, slowly and awkwardly. He was dressed in a collarless short sleeve black shirt with a row of 4 buttons below the neckline, which were left unfastened as if to highlight his muscled up chest. He sighed deeply. “Well, that’s embarrassing.”

Ashley sat up straight and quickly snuck a peek of herself in her cell phone camera, then put it down. “Umm, don’t worry about it,” she said. “Come join us. You look like you could use a drink.” She grabbed the bottle of Smirnoff and held it out for him.

He toddled over, took it and sat down in the lounge chair kitty corner to where the girls were sitting. He took a big, much needed swig. There was a prolonged moment of silence between the 3 of them.

Larisa was tipsy enough to boldly break the ice. “I mean who doesn’t love a hot chick with big ass, am I right?”

Chad’s face flushed red. “I am so sorry you ladies had to witness that. Not my finest moment.”

“It’s okay, I mean we all gravitate toward certain body shapes and everyone’s different,” Larisa said. “I mean I know Ash loves the tall dark and handsome football types.”

Ashley’s eyes widened. “Omigod shut up Larisa!”

“Whatever, you know it’s true.”

Chad leaned forward a little and his eyes darted toward Ashley’s legs. He had known of her for while, but really only by her reputation as one of the hottest chicks on campus. She looked stunning that night, especially with the way her thighs were bursting out of that tight little black dress. “You ladies gonna be at the game next Saturday?”

“Oh yeah definitely,” Larisa said. “We love football, especially Ash, she never misses a game.”

“Cool.” He smiled, and looked directly into Ashley’s eyes. “I’ll look forward to seeing both of you there then.”

Ashley smiled back, then stood up and shimmied his way. “Oh, excuse me,” she said in a sexy, almost pouty voice. “I think I need another little sip.” She turned her back to him and bent over in an exaggerated manner, taking the bottle from the low table in front of him.

His eyebrows raised at the sight of her butt directly in front of his face. Her dress clung to her curves like a second skin and didn’t leave a whole lot to the imagination. She was so close that he could see her golden earring studs shining in the starlight, and even the small tattoo of a rose on her back right shoulder blade. “Oh yeah, sorry, didn’t mean to hoard it.”

Ashley wiggled forward a few steps, then turned her head. “That’s okay Chad.”

He watched with interest as she sat back in her seat and took a sip straight from the bottle. He cleared his throat nervously as if snapping back to reality. “I should really probably go find Kennedy.” He stood up, then paused. “You mind keeping this whole thing, just between us?”

“Don’t worry Chad,” Larisa said coyly. “It will be our little secret.”

“I appreciate that.” He smirked then looked back at Ashley. “I’ll see you ladies later, thanks for the drink.”

“Anytime Chad,” Larisa said as he walked away.

As soon as he disappeared behind the elevator doors Larisa turned to Ashley. “Omigod, did that really just fucking happen?”

“Yep, I think it did.”

“Did I tell you so, or did I tell you so!”

Ashley smiled. “You’re like a magical oracle.”

“He was into you too, fucking blatantly checking you out.”

“Was he?”

“Hell yeah he was!” Larisa said excitedly. “Nice move by the way, bending over like that. I thought his eyes were going to pop out of head.”

Ashley blushed. “Oh stop it.”

“No it’s true. I mean the man actually said it, you heard him, he likes curvy girls.”

Ashley arched her back and ran her hands down the sides of her hips provocatively. She sighed. “Well, I guess I can’t argue with you there anymore.”

“Damn straight.”

“Maybe I have been a little too critical of my weight.”

“Yes girl I’m telling you. You need to lighten up! Well, no, scratch that, you need to heavy up, or whatever, you know what I mean, embrace your inner thick girl! Men are simple minded idiots when it comes to the opposite sex. They see a big round butt or big fucking tits and they go gaga.”


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