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Ashley Durand increased the speed on the treadmill. God how she despised cardio. Her lungs burned and her throat was dry. Just one more minute to go. She wanted to feel skinny for the party tonight. She wanted to see Chad, and more importantly, she wanted him to see her at her best.

You wouldn’t think it to look at her but Ashley had always struggled with her weight. Even at 5 foot 3 and a mere one hundred and sixteen pounds, she felt fat. Her petite little figure was never petite enough, and she knew that if she slacked off on her workout routine even a little bit, she could gain weight in the blink of an eye.

Why was gaining weight so easy and losing it so hard? She knew herself well and she knew she was the type of girl who could just look at a piece of cheesecake and somehow instantly add 5 pounds to her already prominent rear end. It was probably her genetics. Ever since she was very young she felt cursed that she came from a family of big hips and butts. She saw it first hand from her mom and older sisters.

Her sister Veronica had been a total beauty queen in high school, but as soon as she went off to college she gained the freshman 15 and never looked back. She met a boy, got married, had a kid and turned into a complete fatass. It was more or less the same with Vera, the oldest of the three sisters. She had been a fairly accomplished dancer when she was younger but as soon as that ended she packed on 40 pounds in less than a year and now she’s quite literally clinically obese, just like their mom.

Ashley was the baby of the family, and she turned out to be the prettiest of them all, but being blessed with cover girl looks did not exempt her from also inheriting the dreaded Durand booty that had been the bane of her existence since puberty. She hated having a big butt. It was hard to find clothes that fit properly, guys were always staring, and girls were always making fun, calling her names like Ass-ley or the blonde Kardashian.

Because of all that, she was perpetually dieting and she had learned to make Mountainside Fitness her second home. It was the only way that she could keep her weight in check and prevent her ass from blowing up completely. It seemed that whatever she ate, it always went straight to her hips, thighs and butt, and if she let herself go, even just a little, her ass would end up dominating her otherwise naturally petite figure almost disproportionately.

Her platinum ponytail swayed back and forth as she pushed herself towards the finish of her daily treadmill ritual.

14:58, 14:59, 15!

15 complete minutes of nonstop jogging done!

She decreased the speed to a slow walk and stepped off a few moments later.


She wiped a bead of sweat from her brow, caught her breath for a second then sat down on the bench with her bottled water. She looked down at her thighs and sighed. They still looked too meaty for her liking and she wondered if perhaps all the jogging she’d been doing was making them too strong, and therefore too big. It seemed she could never win, hard work was still no match for genetics.

Ignoring all the gym bros who were staring at her and pretending not to, she went into the girls locker room and stepped on the scale.

Wait, what?

One hundred and seventeen pounds?

How the fuck did that happen, how could she possibly be heavier after exercising than she was before? Not just a little heavier either, a whole entire pound heavier!

Her pretty face scrunched into a scowl and she marched straight over to the bathroom mirror. She inspected herself as honestly and objectively as she could. Her measurements were 30-24-36, at least the last time she checked. She didn’t like how flat chested she was. That was the part that sucked about always being in a caloric deficit, she could never grow her boobs.

Her silver, gem studded navel piercing shimmered in the overhead fluorescent lights. Her stomach was flat and toned, her waist was tiny, narrow, and compared to her flaring hips, it looked practically miniscule. She twisted herself around to get a glimpse of her butt.

Oh god it looked huge.

Especially huge with the way her workout shorts were barely long enough to cover her cheeks and clung so tightly to her flawless skin that her rump looked like a couple of overinflated balloons jutting out behind her. She took solace that although her ass was admittedly massive, at least it was a nice ass. It was round and had a perfect teardrop shape to it that she found pleasing. Now if she could only shed another inch or two off her hips, then she’d have her ideal body, and then Chad would dump his girlfriend and Ashley could have him all to herself.


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