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Christmas time is nearly upon us, but summer is coming to ORS, and most of the cast will be sporting new outfits. Just like Lena could choose her bikini, Ian will have stat-related options. These are the designs I came up with for Ian , what do you think?

Work on the torunament update continues; I've written all scenes except for the torunament itself, for which I'm drawing all the neccesary assets at the moment. I'm quite optimistic about the update being ready before december, if my colorist can keep up, that is. My goal is to have all the writing and drawings finished by the 15th of this month, and put everything together and test it during the next week.

I'll keep you updated on the progress, and, as always, thanks for your patience and support!




Short-shorts for lust and athletics?

Kurt Wagner

Wits outfit is probably the most conventionally attractive outfit that women irl would respond to (in my humble opinion.) The charisma outfit is kind of a bold choice and I’m not sure if I like it but I guess that’s part of having charisma, taking risks and *pulling it off.* Athletics outfit is perfect lol. Lust seems to be about wearing red and having a bad boy necklace lmao. What even is attached to that string, I can’t tell


I't be really cool if we could change hairstyles/ body hair! Giving Ian a cool beard, and Lena a beautiful bush would be nice.