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Hi guys!

I've been rather silent after the release of Chapter 11's epilogue, but I haven't been idle. I've been focusing on writing Chapter 12 and my plan is to release new content at the end of November. But before that, I wanted to discuss with you guys the approach I'll be taking with this chapter's release cycle.

The initial plan was simple, releasing chapter after chapter, each one featuring both Lena's and Ian's POVs. As development has progressed, it's become clear that each chapter requires a lot more time and work, due to branching narratives, higher production values and personal fatigue, amongst other factors. That's why, inevitably, each new chapter seems to take longer than the one before. 

With chapter 11 I switched things up a bit, more out of neccessity than by design, releasing the Prologue, then the Chapter, then the Epilogue, which allowed me to pack quite some content I wanted to include. I've decided to go with a similar strategy when it comes to Chapter 12.

My plan is to release a sort of Prologue, that will finally cover the anticipated MMA tournament, aside from moving the plot forward with several character relationships, and will also have a scene you might not be expecting. My goal is to release this update before December.

After that, I will publish Ian's part of the chapter, that will depict the anticipated trip to Perry's Beach house. And once that's out, I will take care of Lena's part, for which I have some big events in mind.

I know releasing the full chapter all at once would be much better, but the scope of the game is simply too large and I don't want to starve my supporters for content. But the main reason I'm choosing to do it this way is for my own mental sanity: I've noticed that development cycles that are months long become really draining, for two main reasons. 

Being able to push out a new update is what keeps me going; I'm able to share the work with you guys, and the feeling of accomplishment is refreshing and allows me to get back to work with enthusiasm.  If it takes too long for an update to be completed, tension starts mounting up, and it can get pretty stressful, since I want to deliver and the goalpost feels too far away. When the chapter is as big at these last ones, seeing the mountain of tasks that I still need to complete before having a finished chapter can get pretty daunting, and no matter how much work I complete, it feels there's always a lot more to be done. I always feel a rush of motivation when I'm close to being done with an update, and why I always jump straight away into the next one eagerly.

These past few weeks I've been working on Chapter 12 and I've felt motivated and productive, so hopefully doing things this way will also contribute to speed things up, aside from making development more managable psycologically. 

So, hopefully you think my plan is a good idea, but if you'd prefer to wait until the whole chapter is out to susbscribe again, that's perfectly fine too. I'll keep working to make a game worthy of your time and attention, at least, that's what I'm aiming for! Thanks for all your support, past, present or future :)




Love this plan, the way you did the last chapter felt fantastic because it didn't feel too long between updates and the content is still the great quality.


Whatever helps you keep a healthy balance between working on ORS and having a life of your own. I think separating the chapters into smaller, more manageable chunks is a great idea. Go for it. I'm just glad ORS exists and that you're doing such an amazing job with it.


Primera vez en Patreon, primera vez apoyando a un creador. Enamorado de este juego; dicho eso, me parece genial que marqués un ritmo que te permita seguir con ilusión aunque sea contenido más pequeño pero seguido.

Jase C

Totally support this. Burnout is real and you have to take care of your energy level and mental health. I'm glad you're taking steps to help pace yourself; it's a good thing.


Hi Eva, as always, I fully trust and support you in your work, you've never disappointed (with GGGB & ORS), you'll continue here :) Everything you say here is obvious and it's good that you've found a way that allow you to continue to work with passion and motivation. I would finish on some advice, that could help you go to the next level. If you want to continue to have meaningful & impactful branching narrative, I think you won't have the choice but to have someone working with you on the story and/or on the art. It's not something easy to do (as it's what you love to do), but it will allow you to move forward much faster, while keeping the control on the story & the art. Take as example Seeds of Chaos, they are a big team and work together on it, otherwise it's just a mountain for a single person. But you'll get there when you'll want to move forward at a faster pace :) Take care of yourself, that's the most important thing !

Brother Bethor

The problem is that Eva has tried to find artist that would help her with the art but that happened to be very difficult.


Keep doing what your doing we all love your work no matter how you release it!


great job,eva!!!in "our red strings"I have found a strong sense of direction in your game, as if i am moving forward, backward, left, or right. It's a bit like controlling an FPS game. How do you achieve this? Clearly, it's one of your talents, and I will continue to follow your work until you complete this marathon-like story, as it's so exciting!!!


More than that, I felt emotionally connected to the story and all the characters in 'Our Red Strings,' especially the first time I met Lena in the game. My heart started to race, and I felt like I was falling in love with, well, not the game creator, but Lena herself. Yeah, she is really something, or should I say, someone?


I wonder will lena get more tattoo options in the future also change of hair colour or style ???


Eva should you feel empty and spent, just take a month and rest. I think no one of us will get burned out because of a month waiting, but you could you know? Red Line Game will get better if you are not spent. Love what you are doing.

Horst Beppo Blonski

Nimm Dir Urlaub, Weihnachten steht vor der Tür, eine gute Gelegenheit zu entspannen, Familie zu treffen, neue Energie zu tanken. Dein Game ist klasse, kein Grund sich zu beeilen. Ich warte auch gern noch bis Ende Januar auf neue Inhalte, wenn es dir damit besser geht.


Keep it up! Great work!