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Hello guys,

first of all, sorry for the lack of status update last week. It's been a couple of rough weeks due to me feeling sick first and then the passing of a close family member, so I found it rather impossible to sit down and write. Since I couldn't get my head to properly work, I focused on art tasks, which are less straining to the brain.

All major scenes are already drawn but one, and 8 of them are completely finished (which makes around 50+ fully rendered illustrations, with variations and 11 animations).

Incidentally, the colorist has also had some family hiccups and is behind schedule, but I have plenty to keep myself occupied with while she catches up on all the illustrations I've already sent her. I've kept working with other artists that have assisted me with the drawings: I always draw the heads and faces and they fill in the rest. Here's an example of one of the illustrations done in this way: can you spot the difference?

4 new backgrounds are also being worked on and I approved the sketches a few days ago:

I wanto to pick up the writing again this week and find a way to finally break the block I've been having with two particular scenes. Hopefully I can finish it soon and begin to ensamble and polish all the moving parts of Chapter 11. Once again thanks for your patience and support, I intend to make the wait worth it!




Sorry for your loss. Love the game but family comes first

brian alicea

Sorry for your loss