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Wade used to have higher stats, but he's gotten comfortable and has been able to retain only some of his former Charisma. He's a Tauro (for obvious reasons if your Ian has malicious intent with his beautiful girlfriend lol).




I like either Axel + Cindy or Ian + Cindy because I love to make people angry lol


Yo Wade! You better take care of yourself and your Scorpio queen Cindy...Taurus & Scorpio are attracting opposites but can vibe really well all around when in relationships, but if you keep piling your "earthy" content tones into the Scorpio lady's passionate waters, and don't meet her curiosity and trancendent mind, it can get muddy and she will stray. I speak from experience as a Taurus/Dragon that was able to be with a Scorpio lady (and in the Ian role, not yours hehe)