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Perry is, surprisingly enough, a Pisces. He has a very high Lust but he hasn't managed to focus that energy properly... yet. Are you helping him out or are you stealing away any chance of success he's got? 

Edit: updated Perry's Lust from 8 to 7, on second thought it was probably too high.



The Baron

I hate Perry so much, I enjoy letting him get beat up near the beginning of the game :P I guess I love to hate him, keep up the good work Eva Kiss!


With Lust that high I imagine he must be hirsute like a satyr.


And I really like him :) . Strange that to fans of Evas creation can apppreciate certain aspect so differently. But at least, we agree that he is a very well sculptured character - even to raise hate, you have got to have a certain character. Wonder if there is anyone here who despises Lena, though ;) .