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One of the main things that have been making ORS’ progress slower has been the need to plan things out. With GGGB this issue wasn’t too important: my approach to writing and making VN’s has always been pretty organic, and I don’t have a set plan or structure of how things need to progress, only a base idea and a rough guideline that keeps changing and mutating. This is also necessary with this business model, since I have to release chapters as fast as possible (I have been releasing monthly for the most part during these 4 years), so I can’t afford to go dark for six months or an entire year to really plan things out and take time into pre-production.

As I said, GGGB’s structure was pretty straightforward, but with ORS’ complexity things aren’t so easy. I find myself having to take breaks during writing to think ahead and structure the main plotlines, deciding where they’re going to lead, how they’ll develop and how to set them up in the current chapter. I’ve had to go back and re-write or retcon some stuff, or add some elements that felt like missed opportunities, sometimes even after the chapters are released. And new ideas keep popping up, separate pieces suddenly come together in a way I hadn’t seen before, and it makes just writing much more complicated. Sometimes I need to stop until I figure something out, and sometimes I just need time to think and plan, and this drags the monthly production of the script.

In the end, though, I feel like this part is of vital importance. Coming up with cool ideas that don’t feel too generic or shallow is what excites me to write, and I try to construct the game in a way that flows and feels balanced. I have to find space for these moments during production, which makes things a bit messy, since I can’t really afford to take time off just to plan and think, as I said before. But in the end I feel working this way is when I’m more creative and helps me keep pushing myself to work and release content, chapter after chapter.

I hope you’re willing to continue to be patient with me, in exchange I’ll do my best to make ORS as fun as I can!

Why is it taking so long? (1) 




Dear Author! I promise to be patient and wait for the game to continue! Because communication is as simple as with a friend! Because Lena is so damn attractive! In different ways, the game evokes feelings - tenderness, love, sympathy, pain, jealousy, and the question: how could it be done? Be healthy!


A joke! Ian is preparing for the tournament, so he cut his hair bald ! Wade patted Ian's head and laughed ! Then he explained that the skin on Ian's head was as smooth as Cindy's ass! Ian touched his head and agreed that Cindy's ass was just as smooth ! Wade immediately stopped laughing! Continued in chapter 8!


You nailed it: "the game evokes feelings - tenderness, love, sympathy, pain, jealousy," - not only hornyness or something alike. "Real" feelings similiar to those caused by reading a classic, good book. And not only for Lena - many characters come to life here.


And yet Lena is the main character! Playing without it is like living without love ! I think so!