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Recently I announced Chapter 8 was taking longer than I had originally expected. I’ve been thinking about the reasons and I decided to share those thoughts with you guys, to keep you informed and to give you something somewhat interesting to read while you wait for Chapter 8’s release.

The main and obvious reason that’s delaying the game is its nature: it’s a very complex undertaking, it requires a lot of art assets and I like to release meaty updates that progress the story in a meaningful way. But we already knew that.

Aside from the difficulties I’m having with writing the update, there are some other things that get in the way: several small tasks that pull my focus from the main task at hand, one of them being the community management side of things, like writing status reports, uploading sneak peeks and coming up with topics to post about on Patreon to keep you guys engaged (like this post right here). There’s also the Discord (I can barely afford to drop by from time to time) and other PR stuff I have to take a look into (recently setting up the itch.io page, or creating the video trailer).

I have people helping me with the game, both the artist I’m collaborating me as well as the members from my community who help me with coding, bug testing and other stuff (we’ve been implementing a couple new features that were long overdue). That of course takes a lot off my hands, but it also means I have to coordinate several tasks and people, and I’m awful at that... And there are a couple of other things that are on my mind, like creating a stable android port (everything has failed so far) and starting to move towards a Steam release.

Anyway, I’ll keep this short since I don’t want to take any more time off the writing! These past few days it’s been progressing nicely and I want to keep that up. I’ll write a couple more posts about other things that are delaying the game to keep you somewhat entertained and to give you further insight in the game’s production.

Thanks for your patience!

Why is it taking so long (2) 




I'm too lazy to do any statistical analysis, but I'm pretty sure that each update in ORS is lengthier than each update in GGGB. So posting an update every two months or so doesn't mean that you deliver less material than before. That doesn't take into account the fact that the art is much improved, which kinda is the reason why each update takes longer.


Absolutely. The ratio update's length/waiting time is still pretty advantagious when compared to other devs, the quality is upstanding, and you can't compared to initial chapters release speed because of the obvious growing complexity. Anyone asking for Eva to be as quick has no idea of how production works. Or talks in bad faith. Or both. Plus and that's something a couple of people mentionned here, Eva is always upfront with what's going on. I imagine it takes time out of it but I think it's very important for most of us and it might be good for her too in a way (kinda putting on "paper" what's going on and what's hard and what works if you will, it organizes thoughts)


I know you want to post this ‘update’ to those impatient ones. But seriously, if you guys can’t wait and complaining about how long it takes Eva to do her work the way she’s been doing, you should go look elsewhere to see if any other dev gives this much per each chapters consistently. I will tell you there’s none. So , stop pressuring her to release it sooner because you sure will complain when you find the quality drop or the chapter too short for the sake of quick release. It’s not worth it.