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After finishing GGGB I knew I wanted to try something a bit different and challenge myself. Ashley was a fun female main character to play with and I know many of you guys loved all the possibilities she offered.

This time around I wanted to write deeper and more complex characters, and not limit myself to a female point of view, which would've made the game feel very similar to GGGB, but add the masculine POV with Ian. This opened up a ton of new possibilities for me, things I would've liked to explore in GGGB but couldn't, and it's allowed me to build really fun character relationships with Alison, Holly, Cindy, Lena herself... Character interactions that I feel you guys are really enjoying!

I love both Ian and Lena and I really enjoy being able to explore the story from the two points of view at the same time, but what about you? You enjoy playing with one character more than with the other? Are you like me and feel they complement each other? Let me know in the poll down below!



I am not seeing much love for Ian's part and in his defense I gotta say that Emma scene is the reason his part is amazing. Ian isn't going to be a hyper masculine guy and I love that. He has an ex he likes to write and he gets into real scenarios like all of us. Y'all don't know the taste of your own mouths. Ian is amazing.

Kurt Wagner

Ian's a realistic and relatable male MC which is really unusual in adult games. Both storylines and perspectives are great but if I had to choose one I'd choose Ian's