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Hello, everyone!

Work on chapter 6 is underway. I'm practically healed from my surgery, healed enough to be able to consistently work, at least. I've been hard at it during this month, working at the same time in Chapter 5 Enhanced Edition and progressing with Chapter 6.

Around 65% to 75% of the art is already done (the colorist is still working on it, though) and today I finally finished Ian's part of the script. It's 6670 lines of code long (so almost as long as the entire chapter 1) and I still need to write Lena's part!

I'm very happy so far with how it's turning out and I feel this next update will be up to par, and hopefully even better, than what I have been releasing so far. You know I'm not too good with giving exact dates (similarly to CD Projekt it seems) but this next update should be out around mid-late November

I'll try to be more active on Patreon and keep you posted with news and other fun stuff!




Hey Eva, glad to hear you have recovered from your surgery. Love that we'll be getting the next step in Ian and Lean's story. Love their dynamic along with just about everything else about this game!


Dont care about cyberpunk. All I want is chapter 6! Waiting impatiently!!