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Hello! Tomorrow they'll be removing the cast and I'll be able to write with two hands again (I hope). These aren't being the holidays I was expecting to take, but life's a bitch that way. I was hoping to make some progress with my work too, but that won't be happening either. So while I heal up I wanted to do another Q&A with you guys, I always enjoy them a lot and I like answering your questions and sharing a bit of what goes on behind the scene concerning my projects.

So ask away anything you're curious about or would like to know and I'll answer to the best of my ability during the following days!



o iMarkus v

When will the next chapter be released?


Thank you for all your hard work eva, i love everything you have created. I was wondering how long it would be till we see some Leena x Jeremy or Ivy x Ian action. I don’t mind waiting i was just enquiring if there would be anything soonish.