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Hi guys, I've been meaning to ask you a question. I'm wondering how much content ORS has right now duration-wise. How long does a full play-through take you to complete as of Chapter 5? I'm asking about a single run, not about multiple play-throughs.   

The word count for the game right now is 265.000 , which is around the same length as The Fellowship of the Ring! I've been writing a ton these past few months, but I know there are people that still feel the updates are short, so I'd like to know about your experience.

Also, when I'm able to write with both hands again I will make another Q&A so you guys can ask me any question you want. I hope to be able to use my hand in a week or so...


Brother Bethor

Scientific experiment #1 is done! It took me precisely 12 hours from start (omitting the tutorial) to the end of Chapter 5 to end the playthrough. I've been reading carefully all text and didn't use the skip option at all.

Ariel Herrera M

I started yesterday and I finished today, for the chapters 1 to 4 I guess take me between 5 to 6 hours, but without exploring all the choices, just go ahead with the flow of the game, the chapter 5 was very fast around at hour to finished. I really like the game, to able to change between Ian and Lena is nice, other think that I really apreciate is how the differents choices have a true impact on the story and the development of the characters, seriously your work is very good and I hope to se you until end because this game is good, worht it. (Sorry for my spanglish) .