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Ivy is the bad girl of ORS, a bit like Jessica was in GGGB. She can serve as a role model for Lena and open up some interesting and naughty possibilities for her to explore story-wise.

Jessica was one of my favourite characters in GGGB, but I wanted Ivy to be different, even if she fills in that same archetype. Jessica was conceived more like the stereotypical "mean girl", but Ivy's stance on the world is much more well defined: her ambitions, her occupations and her friendship with the player character. I also love her design, with her more alternative style, and I feel it fits the look of a femme fatale perfectly!

I'm excited about the role she'll get to play in the game, as she can be a temptress, a disruptive force, and also hides a couple secrets... What do you think about Ivy? You like her looks and personality so far?  



Robert Arctor

I don't feel like I really know Ivy yet. We haven't seen her take any action or make any choices - other than pushing Lena out of her comfort zone or not revealing information to Axel, neither of which seem particularly objectionable. So far she's been a very good if slightly bossy friend, with a low attachment drive towards her significant others. The fact that she dances at a club and knows she's extremely attractive doesn't really imply 'bad girl' to me, whatever that label means; I've met people like that who are surprisingly shy and sweet, and will tend to keep others at arm's length almost as if in self-defense - and they probably need to. As far as looks go, they are certainly striking. Other than the tattoo comments above, the violet eyes in particular are quite rare. Combined with the silver hair, they give her a fey look - and it does reinforce the impression of someone trying to attract attention but without revealing much about herself. PS I think this line belongs to Ivy, not Lena. https://imgur.com/UZLOa43


Love the character design! She oozes sex appeal. The silver hair is a nice touch too. Would like to see her have a bit more nuance than the sex crazed party girl. Having said that I do like having a charcter that'll believably guide Lena down a more sexually open path. Just maybe in more loving friendly way.