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Hello everybody!

I've done nothing but work during this quarantine (well, maybe I played a tiny bit of Doom Eternal) and Chapter 2 is underway. I'd say I've finished 3/4 of the writing, maybe even more, and all the art is done on my part and commissioned to be coloured. If everyone does their work as scheduled, Chapter 2 should be out around the 27th of this month (dates are approximate, as always). 

Chapter 2 has even more lines of code and text than Chapter 1 (that one was around 7.500) and it will pack as much content as GGGB v0.5 when it was  released. I'm pretty happy with how it's turning out, and I think it's a step up from all the elements found in my previous game. This chapter will also be story heavy, but you'll find the first sex scenes (3 possible in total). 

I've put the focus on making nuanced character interactions and dialogues that the player can affect with their choices, making ORS feeling much more like a "game" than GGGB did, or so is my intention! Rather than playing a visual novel where you are asked what scenes you want to see and routes you want to follow, I want it to feel like playing a game where you interact directly with the characters through dialogue and contextual choices that will lead to your desired goal, or maybe not! Feeling immersed rather than feeling like a spectator, so to speak. It won't be long for you guys to be able to play it and tell me if I managed to achieve that.

Stay tuned!



David Inlong

I'm really curious about those 3 scenes. 😏


I'm hopping for a kiss and a first date with Ian & Lena and if that leads to sex, so be it :D