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So, I said ORS would be similar to GGGB. Itwill take place in a similar scenario and will have as it's core choice mechanics, branching story-lines and character depth and evolution. 

So, in what aspects will it differ? Aside from a main one, central aspect of the new concept, which I can't talk about yet, one of the new things will be it's improved production values. As I said before, I hired a couple artists to work with me. The style of the drawings will remain the same, just with the look I would've wanted GGGB to have! I couldn't achieve that before because I was on my own, I couldn't afford to invest from the get go and I had to do everything myself. But now, thanks to GGGB and to you, that's different. I can invest in my own creation and give you guys the games I truly want to make, how I truly want to make them. You don't know how much your support means to me and how it can make this grow.

I hope you'll like the improvements as much as I do :) But for now, I can just show you the silhouettes for the main male characters...




Thanks so much, I love GGGB. I might have missed it but have you confirmed the gender on the main character?