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Hi guys!

Sorry I've been so absent lately. I've been working hard on v1.0 and planning things for the next project. I planned to take 2 months to deliver the final update, but it ended up taking 3. I hate falling out of schedule and I've been feeling quite anxious thins month (I still am!). 

But I can say v1.0 will be released at the end of November. 

I'm finishing writing and coding the variations for the npc endings and when that's done the script  will be sent for proofreading and bug testing. The code is incredibly complex and messy this time, and I don't want to release a broken ending, so I will take some extra steps to ensure the update is playable. While that's being done I will take care of some extra art that's needed and hopefully I can release the Alpha before November ends! Even if that plan failed, it won't take much more than a few days past that, but I'd hate that to happen.

I've kept you waiting far more than I expected and I really really hate that. Finishing GGGB is being very challenging and nerve-wracking and I have no idea if I've done a good job... Hopefully I did and all of you will enjoy the unique end to your particular story, and have fun discovering other possible playthroughs from start to finish. 

The release schedule after the Alpha will be the same as always. And I want to remind you the updating of the tiers and pledges  will be applied shortly, before v1.0 is released.  I talked about those earlier, you can read more about it here if you missed that. So I'd ask everyone who's now on the $5 tier to move their pledge to the $3 one, since this will become the new $5 tier and the actual one will disappear. 

Other than that, I can just ask you to be a bit more patient while I take care of this final push to complete my vision, a vision that was conceived more than 2 and a half years ago, and that will finally be completed... Damn, I'm really nervous about this!



dont worry you have been a genius with this from the start you dont loose genius overnight


Just take your time, the end result is going to be amazing no matter what. We can wait. Surely.