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Hey guys,

Today I finally finished all the art needed for the endings (well, there's still a couple sprites that need to be made and other minor stuff, but I can finally get to writing again). This update has 930 plus image files, compared to the usual 200-ish from other updates... 

As I said, the thug endings are alredy done and most of the npc's endings, so now what's left to do are Ash's other endings, with all her possible relationships and personal choices. It will be extremely challenging but I hope to bring the finished work to you soon!

These days I've also been thinking very hard about the next project... I had a couple ideas I was pondering, but a new one appeared in my mind and I knew that was the one I wanted to make. In fact, I'm pretty hyped about it and I can't wait to begin working on it! But first I need to finish off GGGB properly and finish the conceptual stage of this new game. I'm thinking about the new characters, what srotylines I can explore with them and which sexy scenarios they will bring to the table. Right now I-m giving shape to my ideas in a little notebook I'm quite fond of...

Well, back yo work now. These past months have been quite exhausting, with long hours drawing, coloring and adding all the cosmetic variations to the images, and finishing this off will be tough. But I'm hoping to give you guys something you can really enjoy and also be fond of. Stay tuned! 



Gwen Evers

for a project id like to see something with some more trans and gay options myself <3


consensual non-con although that could be seen under corruption, but I do think there is a bit more 'spice' to con/non-con than just corruption. Ash was 'handled' a lot but was never overpowered and 'taken'.