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If only the author does not intend to touch the theme of swingers. )))) Then Dave and Eric can be well built up. ))


I think Dave is a good character in the sense that he and Eric act as "good-guy" counter-balances towards Jack and Tyrone's "bad boy" imagery. He also provides a contrast to Eric's mercenary "goodness" endeavor (remember Eric said he though doing humanitarian work in Africa would land him a good job in the future?). Dave is thus similar to in this sense to Jack in that he lives mainly in the "here and now", but without the manipulating "player" mentality. Dave strikes me as a bit self-centered, but not from an egotistical sense, more in the sense that he is fully devoted towards his hobby and the creation process, that he is not always attuned to what is going on around him. This may in fact prove for an interesting scene should Ashley try to seduce him. On the other hand, it may be Ashley who notices Dave getting aroused by her, but desperately trying to hide it, and then it is up to Ashley to address the matter in whatever way she sees fit. :p