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EDIT: I've added the unofficial track list. This is subject to change, but you can hear many of these on Patreon, now.

No conventions this year Pt 1, January - June 2020

Numbers Game - 3:23

Nova Game Theme - 1:00

Starry Destintion Cover - 2:45

Honeybee cover - 5:07 

Die Anywhere Else NITW Cover - 2:20

Weird Autumn NITW Cover - 1:55

BLFC National Anthem (2015) - 1:10

Halloween Chip Tune - 1:15

It Came upon a Midnight clear - 0:44

Shut Your Mouth - 3:02

Rise Up Every Nation - 3:37

Can’t Get There Alone - 4:50 

I Am the Animal - 3:10

No conventions this year Pt 2, July 2020 - January 2021

Help me proofread.
Anything look like it's missing or wrong?
Anything you think I should add?

Click the link above


Dog Songs for Song Dogs - Kickstarter



Missing: stretch goal - Ska version of the horse song 🐴⏰


Was wondering when this would hit! I like the *idea* of cassettes but honestly I haven't listened to either of the two I own atm even though I own a tape deck now, & I get the minimal overhead need, so. 1) I love the art. 2) the 'anywhere in the world part' - overseas shipping, even for small stuff, can be spendy, e.g. $15+ for a small envelope to Europe. The pledge tiers don't make it obvious whether shipping is included or in addition to the $8/$10 for a CD, for example. you should charge for shipping, and be clear up front about it. 3) seems like a big jump between the CD+vinyl and producer tiers, but I get that there's not other stuff to add, like a t-shirt or a cassette. Have you thought about t-shirts as a stretch goal? 4) the belching in the video is, ah, shall we say, over the top? ;3 5) in the video you mention that this will be the first of several albums of a theme. In the text description, perhaps after you write "This album is a collection of that." maybe add a comment to the effect that this could be volume 1 of several, as you do lower down. 6) can Flop make an RIAA-compliant master for the vinyl? It does matter to the sound quality.


Only typo I can spot "cheapest print options a the places I use" and I'm not quite sure how you meant to phrase that, lol


I like the art! Video: I wish the mic wasn't quite blocking your face so much, but you're probably uninterested in re-recording. Otherwise it's about what I'd expect from a video recorded by a coyote. :) The slow-mo is noticeable if you watch the fan, heh. I'm not quite a fan of the end of the video, but that seems to be a bit of a YMMV situation. Story/Risks: You maybe want a colon after "album releases". Technically I think it should be "Musicians' fees" because possessive, though I'm not 100%. I might simplify things a bit after that. "The $500 tiers of the project come with..." Alternately I think you just need a comma after "ones". Technically 2 should be spelled-out. You have a "Cd". I didn't look at your bio (much). Lemme know if you want me to. :p Tiers: It's a little weird that you mention the signed CD part under $10 (and $30) but not under $8 (and $25); I'd say either put that text under both or remove it under $10. I think $10 should read "CD Only" to be consistent with the other tiers. Under $50 you don't mention digital in the text. Just checking: Is it three slots for Teddy but two for Fox? I don't think that's consistently described. Spacing is inconsistent between the two tiers in any case. I guess the biggest reservation I have is that the Producer tiers let you choose a song to enhance...but if you don't know what the songs are/sound like, you don't have a way to know whether you even want to enhance a song, much less which song. I guess the only way to address this would be to release the samples before the KS is funded, which probably isn't a great solution either. Not sure what the best options might be here. :| Looks pretty well put-together overall! The biggest thing I'd say is just make sure the number of slots is right for Teddy/Fox. Looking forward to backing it when it goes live!


WELL This is certainly exciting I think there isn't much that hasn't been said already by the others, the only typo I can find is "these are the cheapest print options ->a<- the places I use" is that supposed to be "at" the places? :P apart from that lookin good, I do have a question though, Will we be able to see the track listing early at all? jus so we can see whats gonna be on the album? also I thought of an alternate title for this album, "Now that's what I call pepper" lol, jus a silly name I thought of :P that being said however I DO love the name "dog songs for song dogs" I need that on a Vinyl cover lol :P also Instrumentals! maybe we could get some instrumentals of these songs? would be a nice little addition to the Digital album or whatever :3 im lookin foward to see this album, Lets get this madeeee! <3


Is FoxAmoore supposed to be one or two words? Looks a bit odd putting it as one to me.


This isn't even that crazy of an idea. I wouldn't be against adding something like this as a stretch goal to either this or a future album.


Yeah that video isn't getting re-filmed, but I appreciate you watching it with an eye for detail. I fixed the errors in the "story" section of the page, and thank you for finding them. The reward tier stuff is intentional. "Early Bird" ones don't mention the CD signature stuff because they're the discount tiers and I stop listing the digital copy at $50 because it's listed in the little checklist of included items, and once we're at $50 we've exited the "I wanna get it as cheap as possible" realm. In my mind, there are 2 types of people coming to my Kickstarters. People who want the music and don't have extra money to be throwing around, and those who want to throw the money specifically because it's a Kickstarter. This latter group is also who's likely to want a "producer tier". There is an element of risk. Maybe all of the songs suck, and none will be worth adding to. Anybody throwing down $500 will have to trust that there are at least 3 good songs on the album X3


Now that's waht I call Pepper will be my "greatest hits" album X3 I'm sifting through my typos, and thank you for helping to find them. Track LIST, almost definitely yes. Heck, I'm going to edit this post and include a track list right now, almost all of which are available to hear, here on patreon. Instrumentals is a great idea, and I'm going to see if I can't make that happen. Should be easy.


I was kind of wondering about that too, but didn't say anything since it was formatted that way consistently throughout the KS.

Werewolf Detective Paw

Looking forward to this one! Excited to hear Fox Amoore and others collaborate with you again. Side comment: What are the odds of “Heave a Paw” or other “parody” songs being released as a bonus track in the future?


Be a change?


A second part to AA Battery called AAA battery