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SO here's a thing I wanna get out before the first Primary, which is February 3rd. I want YOU to be a part of it. The link above is for the "Chorus sing along" track. Here's what you do:

Listen to the sing-along track through headphones, and record yourself singing it. My plan is to combine all the submissions into "The Patreon Choir". If this goes well, I'll do it again in the future. Please note that this song will be used in a youtube video, and will be sent to a buncha different pro-bernie places for potential use. These will all be for free. I'm not licensing the song, and my youtube is not monetized.

Send your clean vocal tracks, with no effects added, in mp3 format to: Peppercoyote@gmail.com

Deadline: Feb 1st.


I can’t name a change that’s helped me lately. Working harder while the boss keeps all the gains.

So we’re done with the resistance, and we want our revolution, and we’re sending Bernie Sanders all the way.

Recording tips:

-You do not have to be "a good singer" to participate. Your individual voice will not stick out from the group.

-If you have no "legit recording setup" do it into your phone.

-Sit in your closet to reduce echo, OR record it under a blanket.

-Make sure you don't "red line" your recording. aka, sing so close to the mic that it peaks. It makes your recording useless since there'll be permanent crackle in it.

-Any mic is good enough. If you don't have a mic that plugs into a computer, use your phone.

-Please use headphones for the sing-along track, so the mic doesn't pick up the track you're listening to. I need your voice only.

-You are not getting paid for this. If you try and sue me in 30 years, I will laugh at you. By submitting a recording you are acknowledging that you will not be paid.


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