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Hello, Hexxet here,

Not sure how much time I will invest in this new hobby of mine, but I created a new Sub-Section on the Homepage under Member Area. It's called AI-Reworks and there I will post old comics of mine... but pimped up with AI!

Remember Dylan, Julie and Lucine from Office Party? (Or the IP³)

I've had the AI use my old comic pix to create more realistic graphics. Sound easier than it was - turns out that actually takes up quite some time until it turns out usable... Anyway, I've refurbished the first chapter of Dylan and the IP³ - one of my first 3D Side comics! I hope you like seeing the old cast of Office Party in this new more realistic (less 3Dy) look :)

PS: I was writing way too much text back in the days... and the text bubble layout was horrible as well! I've adapted some of that to my new standards, but it's still a lot of text on some of the pages as I was bound by the pix and story :).

Here's the link to the Rework section:





Not bad. And the text bubbles are just fine. As long as the dimensions of the players are in the same spirit as your original work, I think you'll do fine.


I kinda like the original version better graphics wise. The AI regen art looks ok, but I am not a fan of the style comparatively.