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Hello, Hexxet here,

Plot: After his encounter with that Giantess the Boob Bender has set out into the world to hunt those with powers and make them his. Some time has passed and he has entered a small town where he detects another Bender. [ATTENTION: SPOILER AHEAD] He checks into a local hotel and begins his search but he is unable to find her. The next day, our guy realizes… the same day is repeating again and again and again?! His current opponent must be DRUMROLE a Time Bender! Will the Boob Bender be trapped indefinitely in an ever-repeating time loop or will his Boobs transcend Time and Space to break free?! Watch as the Boob Bender enters his longest… I mean shortest?… fight ever!

Content warning: Breasts in this series are weaponized and on occasion their size will transcend what most people (me included) find beautiful... however... that still can be funny though :P.

Above you can see the first few pages / the teaser to this story. This AI Comic is ~85 pages long and available for PAI Supporters on the homepage in the PAI Section.



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