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Kurtis' outfit didn't change too much. He was still in shorts and a camp t-shirt. But it was the girl's version now. He also was wearing white cotton panties under his shorts and was wearing a sports bra that hugged his flat chest. He had also become by far the shortest and thinnest girl in the Butterflies. He weighed less than 70 pounds and was under four feet tall.

Martin escorted Rebekah to Tonya. He explained what happened and that Rebekah would be playing with the girls, but no sports.

Hannah and another girl heard this conversation. Hannah had a secret that few people knew. She had a history of wetting her bed. Tonya and Christina knew about her problem. They had to. They were the counselor and assistant counselor. There were also two other girls who knew about it. They were Hannah's good friends. But other than those four, no one knew. Not even Delaney. (Kurtis knew, but he had forgotten.)

“Can I talk to you privately?” Hannah asked Tonya.

“Of course.”

“Rebekah broke into the dorm?”

“I'm afraid so.”

“Did he find my...you know?”

Hannah had pull-up diapers hidden in her footlocker. She only kept a few there, the rest were kept by the camp and would be distributed when needed.

“I don't think so.”

“But you're not sure?”

Tonya couldn't ask Rebekah. That would give Hannah's secret away if he didn't know (Rebekah was considered a 'he' now.)

“I guess not.”

“Can I go to the dorm and make sure?”

“Yeah, I think that would be alright, but don't take long and come straight back. Lunch is almost over. We'll be at the baseball field after. (Kickball was played on the baseball field.)

“OK, I'll hurry.”

Hannah ran to the dorm; she looked in her own locker and saw nothing was disturbed. Then she noticed Kurtis' locker a few beds away.

“Just for the summer, just for the summer,” Hannah promised herself as she reached into Kurtis' locker and fished out the orb. She wanted to be rid of the diapers. It was constant stress on her to keep them hidden. At home, only her family knew. Her peers and people at the school didn't know. But at camp, anyone could find out. She sleeps with twenty other girls. She had to be the first one in bed at night and the first one out of bed in the morning. It wasn't fair. She was ten years old. She shouldn't need pull-ups like a dumb baby. It wasn't her fault that her bladder didn't grow as fast as the rest of her body. It would be even worse now that she was bigger and apparently twelve.

Hannah found the orb and botched the incantation, but that didn't matter. She had swapped all her underwear as well as her bladder problem with Kurtis. She was now in his plain white panties.

Kurtis (Everyone sees him as a girl now) didn't know anything had changed. What she did know was that she needed to go really badly. The pressure came on immediately. She rushed towards the door.

“Where are you going?” Christina asked, “We are about to play kickball.”

“I have to use the girlsroom.”

Christina knew Kurtis' problem and waved her on. Kurtis got to the stall just in time. He pulled down his shorts and then pulled down his Minnie Mouse cotton panties with little pink hearts. She sat her butt on the toilet, it was the girl's restroom so she assumed the seat would be down and let the pee flow out of her. The relief was immediate. Sometimes the need to pee came to her quickly. It wasn't her fault, she had a small bladder according to the doctor. That is why she always slept with pull-ups in case of a nighttime accident. But she made it this time. Which was good, she didn't want to have to change her panties and shorts as she had done a time before at camp. No one knew what happened, but it was still embarrassing. She wanted to keep her problem a secret from everyone who didn't already know.

Hannah put the orb back in the footlocker, under the pull-ups that had appeared, and left for the baseball field. Kurtis was already inside the restroom sitting on the toilet letting the pee flow out of her, relieved that she made it in time. Soon, she joined the other girls at the baseball field.

All the girls played, including Kurtis. Rebekah kept an eye on Kurtis.

Kurtis is the smallest girl out there,' Rebekah remarked. The ball was kicked in Kurtis' direction. He ran for the ball but couldn't catch it. The ball was so big it bounced off her arms. Despite that, Kurtis seemed better suited to play kickball with the girls than soccer with the boys. Rebekah wasn't allowed to play at all. He had to just watch. At Yogi Land, the Beetles would have won the game against their rivals if Rebekah had played. He was bigger and taller than all the other boys.

Swimming was the final activity of the day. All the girls went to get changed in the locker room Rebekah was allowed to swim too, although he had to change in private. Rebekah wore only men's swim trunks in his size. This would be the first time that he would be outside in public without a top. He knew he should be embarrassed, but he wasn't. Beside everyone at the pool was a girl anyway. All the boys were away playing baseball.

Kurtis changed in front of all the girls. No one had a problem with it. He was still physically a boy, including his penis, but everyone treated him like a girl camper. The swimsuit he wore used to belong to Rebekah, so it wasn't very girlie. It was a black one-piece swimsuit with red trim and a V-back.

“Is the water cold?” Kurtis asked.


Kurtis stuck a toe in. “Hey, it's cold!”

“Not when you get in.”

“Remember, no going in the deep end!” Tonya stated.

“I can swim good!” Rebekah told her.

“I don't care. No going in the deep end!”


“Kurtis, aren't you coming in?”

“In a minute. I just have to get myself ready.”

“Just jump already. Hey, stop splashing!”

“I don't want to.”

“That isn't helping.”

“Just jump in. The water is great.”

“I'm coming. I'm coming.”

Kurtis did finally jump into the water. It was cold but fun. She joined the rest of the girls. She was fitting in with the campers. They were even a little protective of her. She was the smallest one of the Butterflies. Kurtis didn't know that a short while ago, she had been the counselor. The only person who knew that was Tonya. She didn't remember being a fat man. She was now mostly a little girl. She even had the pigtails to prove it.

Rebekah wasn't interested in playing with the girls, he just swam laps instead. Being without his top covered didn't bother him at all anymore.

The girls took showers after the pool. Kurtis' penis was out for all the girls to see, but none of them thought anything about it. She was considered one of the girls, even though several of the girls didn't even know that boys had dicks. They had never seen one. Some didn't have brothers and there wasn't any interest in seeing a boy naked. At ten years old, they mostly stayed clear of the boys.

There were still other remnants of the old Kurtis. Everyone thinks she is apparently a nine-year-old girl, but they also know that she graduated college and had a job before joining the Butterfly group. The inconsistency didn't bother or confuse anyone.

Kurtis got dressed like everyone else and returned to the dorm. There she had to re-braid her hair. She knew everything about her new hair as Delaney had. Kurtis got dressed in longer pants for dinner. They were still boys' jeans, but her underwear was definitely built for a girl.

The Beetles had returned for dinner. They weren't happy that they lost, but they didn't let it bother them too much. Rebekah joined the boys for dinner. He was told about how the game went. They told Rebekah that they needed him and wondered what was happening.

“I was going on a pantie raid,” Rebekah lied.

“What's that?”

“Ummm, my older brother told me about that, it's when you go into the girls' room and steal their underwear.”

“Why would you do that?”

“I don't know. To piss them off I guess.”

“What happened?”

“I got caught.”

“I see. You should have planned it better. You missed the game.”

“I know. I promised I wouldn't do it anymore.”

Rebekah fit in with the boys. As far as they were concerned, he was one of them. Rebekah was a better athlete than any of the boys, he had just never been given a chance. Rebekah started to wonder if he would swap back at the end of camp as he planned to.

Since joining the Butterflies, Kurtis spent most of his time with Delaney and her friends. She had become an unofficial member of the Delaney group. The other girls in Butterflies formed their own small groups of pairs and trios as people usually did. When Kurtis excused herself early from the after-dinner activity, Hannah gave her a knowing smile. Hannah used to do the same thing when she had bladder problems. She wouldn't have to anymore.

Kurtis went straight to the dorm and got her pull-up. As with Hannah, she was embarrassed to need pull-ups at her age. She carried the pull-up along with a pair of slippers and a long nightgown to the bathroom to change in private. She didn't want anyone to see her in her diapers. That was why she always wore a long cotton loose-fitting nightgown to bed; it made seeing the pull-up impossible. The nightgown like her panties and pull-ups used to belong to Hannah. They had been resized to fit Kurtis' smaller/shorter frame. All of the rest of the apparel that Kurtis owns used to belong to Rebekah.

Before getting dressed in her nighttime attire, Kurtis also tried to relieve herself. Kurtis knew that when you have a bladder problem, it was best to have a completely empty bladder before going to bed. As before, Kurtis sat down on the toilet and tried to force herself to urinate.

Once completed, Kurtis rejoined the girls as they filed into the dorm after the activity. She was sure, no one suspected her secret.

Kurtis was the first girl up, just as Hannah use to be. Her diaper was a bit damp, but not too bad. She walked to the bathroom again, took a stall, and cleaned herself up. The used pull-up was put in a plastic bag with the top knotted to prevent discovery. The bag was disposed of in a place no girl would look. When Kurtis returned to her bed, she was back in panties. This time the panties she wore were red with a yellow criss cross pattern. Back in bed, Kurtis waited for wake-up time to get out of bed like the rest of the girls.

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