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"Joseph, Joseph,” Sarah yelled excitedly, "do you remember that Alternate Reality Vacation thing?"

"Yeah," Joseph replied. Joseph had indeed known about that 'Alternate Reality Vacation thing' for quite a while. Everyone knew about it. There were stories on TV and the Internet about it. The thought of becoming another person for a vacation was intriguing to everyone. Who wouldn't want to be someone else for a while? To live an exciting life for a couple of weeks. But for the average person, the cost was prohibitive. Changing reality was an expensive process. But that didn't mean most people didn't know about it. Sort of like knowing yachts existed, but not being able to afford one.

"We can do it."

"We can? Don't be silly. We don't have anywhere near that type of money."

"I tell you we can go on a vacation like that."


"Well, it's like this. They try and develop new vacations all the time."


"They have to test those vacations out first."

"I don't see what you are getting at."

"We could be a test subject on one of the new vacations. We test it out and tell them if we liked it. Give feedback. Stuff like that."

"You mean like guinea pigs?"

"I guess. But we get to go on the vacation for free. Well almost free. We can do it."

"What's the catch?"

"You can't pick the vacation; you have to do the one they are testing."

"I see. Which ones are they testing?"

"I'm not sure. I just found out about this. I put our names on the list and we have to wait. If they select us then we are off to the best vacation of our lives. Are you interested?"

"Yeah, I'm interested."

"Great, I'll let you know when they contact me."


"I just heard from them."


"The Alternate Reality Vacations people. They have a vacation for us."

"What type?"

"They don't have the poster yet, but it seemed it's something like this. A mousy woman with small breasts has surgery to have big tits on her chest. There is also a little other cosmetic surgery for the face and waist to make the woman gorgeous."

"Are you interested?"

"I don't know. I don't know if I want to be a woman." Joseph had always liked women with large bosoms. Sarah breasts sort of disappointed him. He hadn't told her, but she knew how he felt.

"It'll be fun. We'll go through it together."

"But I'd be a woman."

"Don't worry, it's just two weeks and I'll be with you. Wouldn't it be fun to find out what it's like to have huge tits?"


"I'll be with you all the way."

Sarah convinced Joseph after a while. It did sound like fun, and this would be the only way they could go on a 'vacation' like this.

Sarah called up.

"Yeah, I want to take you up on the offer...Thirties...No, no children...I think we can do that...That long?...I see. But can't it be sooner...How much?...I thought it would be free...It's just for expenses?...I see. I'll let you know. But I think so. Sign me up and I'll call you back if anything changes."

"No, thank you."


"What did they say?" Joseph asked?

"First it's going to cost $2000."

"That's a lot."

"I know but much better than the $200,000+ that it usually costs. They said that is for just expenses."

"I guess $2000 isn't much more than a regular vacation for two weeks. What else?"

"It won't start until the beginning of the month after next. So about 45 days. It has to start that day and end 14 days later. There isn't any other time. It's a take it or leave it type of thing."

"I see."

"Anything else?"

"We'll have to fill out a survey after we are done. But that's about it."

"We expected the survey."

"Yeah. What do you think?"

Joseph had been thinking about the vacation since Sarah told him about it. As the days went on, he became excited about doing it. Being a woman with big boobs would be a lot of fun. He would also love to see Sarah with big knockers.



The $2000 was paid and the arrangements were made. Sarah told Joseph they didn't have to do anything. Reality would change while they were asleep. They would simply wake up and be different people. Two women who were going to have boob jobs.

The night before the start of their vacation, Sarah made a special meal to celebrate. She made steaks with baked potatoes and some wine.

When they were done, they went to bed.

"Are you ready for your entire life to change?" Sarah asked with a sly smile.

"I sure am."

Joseph fell asleep quickly.

In the morning, Sarah shook Joseph awake. "WAKE UP, WAKE UP!"

Joseph looked at Sarah, she didn't look any different. She was the same woman who went to bed beside him the night before.

"What's wrong?"

"It only worked on you."

"Only worked on me?"

"Yeah, the vacation was only for a man. That is who they wanted to try it on. You have the body of a woman."

"I don't feel any different," Joseph stated.

"You look different."

Joseph propped himself up in bed. He felt the same, but he wasn't wearing what he had been when he went to sleep. He was wearing a nightgown instead of his usual boxers. Also, his chest had been shaved bare. Other than that, he believed he looked as he always had. His body was still masculine.

"Nothing has changed. I look the same. Why am I wearing lingerie?"

"You aren't the same. You look like a woman wearing a nightgown. Look, even your fingernails are painted.”

Joseph looked at his hands. His manly hand did indeed have a coating of polish on them.

"I don't feel any different."

"You are. You look like a woman to me. A pretty one...with small breasts."

"Let me see."

Joseph got out of bed. He walked to the mirror that was hanging on his bedroom door. He saw himself in a nightgown. He could see the polish on his nails (now that they were pointed out.) He also knew that he had his penis in his underwear. He didn't know whether he was wearing male or female underwear. Although if pressed he would assume he was wearing panties.

"Very pretty," Sarah stated.

"Funny. I look like a man in a dress."

"No, you look like a woman."

"I don't see it."

"Let me make a call."

After getting off the phone, Sarah told him that Joseph will see himself as he always did, but everyone else sees him as a plain woman with small breasts. That is how it works.

"I thought I would be changed."

"No, apparently that isn't how it works."

"I should have known. The news reports said it was supposed to be very realistic."

"I guess not."

"So, it's off then?"

"No, you are going to be a woman for two weeks and you have to be in the hospital today in a few hours."


"Hey, just because I can't go, doesn't mean you can't have your vacation."

"I wish I knew what I looked like."

"I have an idea."

"Stand right there...No, by the light."

Sarah took a picture with her cellphone. "There you are. Pretty as a picture."

Sarah showed Joseph the cellphone screen. Standing where Joseph had was a pretty woman in the same nightgown that Joseph was wearing.

"Do I really look like that?"

"Yeah, pretty."

"I guess."

"You'll look prettier with bigger boobs and a narrow waist...maybe something for the cheeks and nose."

"I'll have to spend all my time in the hospital."

"No, you'll go right home. The bandages will only be on for a couple of days."

"What if I don't  go through with it?"

"Then we lose the money and the vacation will end right now."

Joseph had really been looking forward to the vacation, so he decided to continue with the 'trip' even though Sarah won't be with him.


Then kiss me you pretty lady!" Sarah quipped.

The couple kissed.

"Time to get to the hospital."

"Shouldn't I eat first?"

"No eating before going under the knife."

"Yeah, I forgot."

Joseph looked in his drawers and didn't find any of his 'male' clothing. The only clothes were women's apparel. Apparently, they had been swapped when reality had been altered. Joseph thought it made sense. When Joseph started to look at the house more closely, he found that everything that was masculine had been replaced with a feminine item. This included things like his shampoo and his sporting equipment.

Sarah brought Joseph to the hospital and checked him in. They were expecting him. He took a seat in a wheelchair as he was wheeled to his private room.

"Jo, want me to call you Jo, right?" a doctor asked him.


"OK, Jo, I see you are all ready."

"Yes, I am!"

"If you want to back out, now is the time."

"No way. I've been looking forward to this."

"I can see you're excited, but I just have to make sure of all these things. You know what is being done?"

"Yeah, bigger boobs."

"And a hip enhancement, rounder butt, higher cheekbones, smaller nose adjustments."

"Yeah, those too."

""Double-D size?"

"Yes, good old DeeDees."

"Any questions?"

"I was told I would only be in the hospital overnight and then I can go home?"

"Yes, next week you'll visit me at my office to remove the bandages. Then you'll be good as new. I mean better."

"Thank you."

The surgery went well, and Sarah was in the recovery room when Joseph was coming out of it."

"How do you feel?'


"OK, you get some sleep. I'll be here in the morning to take you home."


Sarah returned the next morning. Joseph was up and ready to go. Sarah had packed an over-sized top with a U-neck and a pair of stretchy leggings. They were big enough to fit his new proportions. The bandages which wrapped Joseph's breasts could clearly be seen.

Joseph and Sarah spent the day at home watching TV.

The next day, Sarah suggested that Joseph put on something 'pretty' and they go out for nice dinner.

"Sure, where should we go?"


"Aren't they expensive.

"Don't worry, it's part of the vacation."

"Great, let's go!"

"I think you should wear a dress."

"Sure, why not."

"I know your face is a bit beat up, but a little makeup wouldn't hurt."

"Let's go for it."


The bandages came off on time. Joseph's boobs were big. They seemed even bigger to him because they were on his own chest. His face did look pretty with the smaller nose, even to himself, and it looked like he had hips due to the narrow waist.

When the two weeks about were up, Sarah and Joseph celebrated with a night on the town. They went to a club, not as spouses, but like two single women.

Joseph got wasted. More than he thought he should have with the amount he drank. Sarah helped him into bed.

When Joseph woke up in the morning, he was alone in the bed. Joseph still felt a weight on his chest. He propped himself up and still saw the large round orbs on his chest. He was also wearing a lacy nightie.

He ran to the mirror. Joseph hadn't changed to his former self. Due to the surgery, his face was somewhat feminine, and his body had several curves, especially in the chest area.

"Hey, I thought this was the end of my vacation?" he said to himself.

A note was left on the dining room table written by Sarah explaining that Joseph had never been on vacation. That everything he experienced was real and that his new boobs and the rest of his altered body were for him to enjoy since Sarah was leaving forever.


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