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Kurt was exuberant as he entered the studio. He was going to be one of the first contestants on the new game show, The Swapper's Path. The rules of the game were that he was going to exchange lives (including bodies) with another contestant and have to live out their lives for a week.  Only those closest to this individual (immediate family living with them) would know of the swap.  No one else would have any idea.  If he could live a week without arousing suspicion, he would a quarter of a million dollars would be his.

Kurt who was growing bored with his own life thought that he couldn't lose. Even if he failed to deceive everyone it would be fun to be someone else for a short time.  He was looking forward for them to putting him into the body of a woman. That wouldn't only be fun, it would be hot. It might even be worth more than the actual money.

“Where is the stage for “The Swapper's Path?” Kurt asked.

“Down the hall, take a left at the poster of Modern Family. Three doors down on the left.  It's the A-52 sound stage.”

“Thank you.”

Kurt followed the directions.  He made the turn at the proper door and entered the studio.  He saw the cameras and the lights.  He saw the big background with the name of the show.  There was a gorgeous woman sitting in the middle of the stage in a pink-tiered dress that a woman would usually wear to a wedding.  She was surrounded by flowers as well as having one in her hand.

“This must be where the interviews take place before and after the swap takes place. If I could spend a week as that woman, I might not ever leave my bedroom. Certainly, the videotape from the hidden cameras would have to be heavily edited.”

As Kurt approached, he heard a little girl scream, “MOMMY!!!”  She ran towards the woman.  A moment later she flew into her mother's arms.  The camera recorded the entire scene.

“CUT!!!” the director called out. “PRINT.”

“If I swap with her, I'll be a mommy.  I don't know if I like that,” Kurt thought.

But then there were the ¼ million dollars to consider. Plus, he did sign a contract to swap with anyone they told him to. He wasn't allowed to back out.”

He didn't really need the money. He was making $100K a year already. But this would be all at once and they assured him the money he would receive would be after taxes.

“Kurt, wonderful you are here. I want you to meet Andrea and her daughter Sheri.”

Greetings were exchanged.

It wasn't until the swap had taken place, that Kurt discovered to his horror that he didn't exchange with Andrea. He exchanged with Sheri.  He was going to Pre-K tomorrow morning.


Composite photo by Alexander Dummer, Josue Velasquez:, Guillaume Meurice,  Abhishek sanga, and Marina Ryazantseva 

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