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Seven-year-old Chrissie and sixteen-year-old Keith were both at the mall with their mothers. They were at the mall for the same reason, their mothers were going to purchase them new clothes for school.

Unbeknownst to Chrissie, Keith, or their mothers, the Role Swapper was around. It swapped Chrissie and Keith's personalities. Keith immediately drew closer to his mother and started to hold her hand. Chrissie moved a little bit away from hers.

After the swap, Chrissie didn't like any of the girly apparel that her mother wanted to buy for her. She preferred jeans and mono-colored t-shirts in tan, blue and red.

Keith's mother was surprised when she saw the pretty apparel that Keith selected from the girl's department for himself. But that was nothing compared to the embarrassment she had when Keith had a very loud tantrum in the middle of the store when his mother told him he couldn't buy those things.

Composite photo by Clem Onojeghuo, Oleksandr Pidvalnyi, and Marina Ryazantseva 

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