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Chapter 8.

The next morning, was much like any other. Todd woke up. He was happy he was still dry.

“Todd, I have something I want to ask you,” Sarah told him when she realized her son had awoken.

“Yeah, mom.”

“Remember when you told me you could swap traits with anyone as long as you have their permission.”

Todd did remember telling his mom.

“Yeah, what about it?”

“Do you think it'll work?”

“I don't know. I've never tried it.”

“Well then let's try it out.”

“What do you want to swap?”


“Education? Why do you want to swap that?”

“It's Piper.”


“Yeah, I asked her out, but she won't go with me. If she knew me better than I'm sure she would say 'Yes'.”

“What does that have to do with anything?”

“I want to go to school with her.  Then I'll be around her. I'll show her what type of person I am.”

It seemed completely natural to Sarah to have the crush on Piper that she had. It didn't seem any more wrong to her (or anyone else) than it did to Todd when he had these feelings for her.

“So you want to swap education?”


“For how long?”

“I guess three days. If I can't convince her after three days, then I should give it up.”

“You want to swap education with me for three days?”

“Well not education exactly, but your position in the school. That is a better way to explain it. I want to be able to go to your school and take your classes.”

“That's what you want?”


“I want something too?”

“What, a higher allowance?”

“No, I want your legs. Richard doesn't say anything, but I know he likes shapely legs and mine aren't what he likes.”

Sarah didn't mind that Richard would be touching or caressing Todd's legs. It was better than touching and caressing something else.

Todd had a smallish dick. He didn't always have one, but he had swapped his dick with another boy earlier. Todd didn't remember regardless. Plus, as his love for Richard was more mature than just a physical attraction, Todd didn't care much either.

“OK, you can have my legs for a few days, but we'll swap that back when we swap back education.”


“How do we do this?”

“Let's see, you want to swap education, and position at school and I want to swap our legs. “


I wish to swap: Education, Position in school, and Legs with my mother,” Todd announced.

“Now what?”

“You say, 'you agree'.”

“I agree.”

The only thing that obviously changed were Todd's legs. He could see they were smoother than before. The thighs were also much wider.

“It worked.”

“Yes, it did.”

“You had better take your shower.”

“OK...don't forget to do your homework. You have school tomorrow.”

“I won't forget.”

Todd's shower routine had changed a little bit. For the first time ever, he had to shave his legs. He used a different razor to shave his legs than his face. It didn't seem right to use the same one to shave both areas of his body. By the time Todd exited the shower and blow-dried his long auburn hair (something he had received from a previous swap), Todd (and Sarah) had forgotten that they had ever made a swap in the first place. How many swaps had Todd made? It was closing in on a dozen by now. Despite that, he didn't remember making his first swap yet.

Sarah put off doing her homework until later that night. She spent the day thinking about Piper. She wanted Piper to go out with her badly.

Sarah woke up extra early Monday morning. She had to choose an outfit for school that would impress Piper. She needed something that was casual, but still more stylish than the ordinary school girl. She chose a light, blue floral below-the-knee dress with a U-neck. She liked to wear dresses that were somewhat long. She didn't like her legs. They were too formless. She made sure her hair was flawless and her nails were manicured. Under her dress, where no one could see, she wore sexy lingerie. They made her feel sexy.

Sarah could have driven to school, but it was only a few blocks. Plus who knew if they would be a spot to park. It was better to walk. So she wore shoes with only a small heel.

“How do I look?” Sarah asked Todd.

“You look fine.”

“Just fine.”

“OK, you look pretty. Anything special happening at school?”

“No, I just wanted to dress up a little.”

“You look beautiful.”

“Thank you.”

Sarah needed to impress Piper. She really liked her. She had asked her out and Piper said 'No'. She has to convince her that she should say 'Yes'.

When Sarah arrived at school, she looked for Piper in the schoolyard. Piper hadn't arrived yet. Sarah waited for her. It was easy to wait, Sarah didn't have any real friends among the students. All of Sarah's friends were still grown women, including Piper's mother Doris. Sarah knew all the kids in her class. They were mostly relatively friendly, but even though they called each other friends, they weren't.

When Sarah found an opportunity she approached Piper.

“Piper, I really like you. Would you please go out with me?”

“Sarah, I really don't think so. I think we should just stay friends.”

“Just one date. You don't have to go a second time. I can drive us.”

“I just don't think it'll work out. You're nice, but I mean, I'm sorry. I don't think it'll work out.”

“Why not. I like you. I really, really like you.”

“I don't feel like that about you.”

“You could, you would if you get to know me.  Go out with me, please.”

Subtlety wasn't working. “Look, I don't want to go out with you and that's that. I mean you are my mother's age!”

Sarah didn't have a retort for that. Piper ran off. Sarah didn't follow. She was heartbroken. Sarah wasn't lying to Piper, she really liked her. She would do anything for her. Sarah didn't know that what she was feeling wasn't real love, it was infatuation. It was lust. When Sarah thought to herself that she would do anything for Piper, she meant she would do anything to get Piper. Her thoughts about her were more primal. When/if she kissed Piper, it would be more intense than when Richard kissed Todd. But, the feelings wouldn't last as long.

Sarah found a place to be alone and cry. It hurt so much when Piper rejected her.

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