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When Jerry entered the forest, he was dragging a suitcase right behind him. He walked along the path deeper into the forest. When he thought he was deep enough he broke off the path and found a secluded spot. Jerry opened his suitcase and looked inside. It contained a white knee-length empire dress with a floral print, a padded bra, a pair of lace panties, a shoulder-length wig, a hat with a pink brim, a red purse, and a pair of strappy pumps.

Jerry took off all his clothes one by one. He removed his shirt and jeans, his underwear, shoes, and socks.  He threw them carelessly on the ground. Then he dressed in the contents of the suitcase. The lacy panties were first and then the padded bra. He put on his dress next. He covered his head with the wig and then, but the hat upon that.  As he reached into his purse to fetch some makeup, he didn't consider himself Jerry anymore. She was Geri.

Once completely dressed, he threw all her former clothes into the suitcase. Geri returned to the path and exited the forest. She looked completely different than what she looked like when she entered.  She hoped no one saw her enter or leave. She didn't think anyone had.

She continued to the bus stop and waited for the bus. She sat on the bench and crossed her legs. The bus arrived. Geri got in. She smiled at the bus driver as she fumbled in her purse for the bus pass.  After a few exits, she departed and form a trash bin to discard her former apparel.  The suitcase was also discarded at a different location.

Jerry was gone, Geri's life had just begun.

Photo by Martin Fuhrmann from Pixabay 

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