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Chapter 7.

Richard came to the door as he did the night before. He rang the bell, and Sarah let him in.

“Todd will be down in a few minutes, take a seat,” Sarah told him.

“Sure thing.”

“Would you like a drink while you are waiting?”

“Thank you.”

“Would you like a soda or an ice tea?”

“Ice tea.”

Sarah and Richard made small talk. Todd was ready long before Richard got there, but he made him wait regardless.

Unlike the night before, Todd spent more time getting ready. He wanted to make sure things were perfect. He wanted to look good for Richard. Todd felt like he had been dating Richard for several months. Todd thought there was a future with Richard. Richard was the type of person that Todd could consider marrying. They couldn't get married right away. Todd would have to wait until he finished high school. Todd was sure that Richard would wait for him. In the meantime, they would date.

Sarah had met Richard and had given Todd her approval. Todd was happy about that. He would marry Richard anyway even if she didn't give him her approval, but it was better this way. Besides, what was there not to like about Richard. He was quite a gentleman. Todd loved him so much.

Todd remembered dating many men. None of them worked out. Sarah's dating history had been compressed in time and made Todd's dating history. Todd could remember going out with each of them, just as Sarah had. Todd wasn't a virgin anymore either, he remembered having a mature sexual relationship with many of the men he went out with, just as Sarah had.

Todd made sure his hair was perfect and his clothes appropriate for a Saturday night date with a man he loved.

When Todd was sure that Richard had waited enough, he left his room and joined Richard in the living room.  Richard gave Todd a kiss when they got close.  After leaving the house, Richard took Todd's hand and led him to his car. Richard opened the front passenger seat door like a gentleman. Sarah watched the couple from the living room window. They drove off to the game.

Sarah was happy that Todd was dating such a fine man. This got Sarah thinking.

Sarah phoned her friend, Doris. Doris was Piper's mother. Sarah had always liked Piper but hadn't asked her out yet. Seeing the happy couple, Sarah decided it was time to phone her.

“Hey, Doris.”

“Hi, Sarah.”

“What's new?”

“Not too much.”

Sarah continued with the small talk for a little while.

“Doris, about the reason I'm calling?”


“Doris, can you give me Piper's cell number? I want to ask her out.”

Doris and Sarah had been good friends for quite a while. Doris knew that Sarah had liked Piper. It was quite obvious to Doris. This was the first time though that Sarah seemed to be acting on these feelings. Doris didn't know if Sarah would be good for Piper. They didn't seem to have anything in common. Sarah was an adult and Piper was a schoolgirl. Piper had gone out on a couple of casual dates with some of the boys at her school. Sarah seemed different somehow. The dates that Piper went out were usually double dates. There didn't seem to be another couple for Sarah and Piper to double with. Plus, Sarah had her own car and could drive. Piper would be all alone in a car with Sarah. Doris didn't know if she liked that. Piper was too young. Sarah is Doris's friend though. She knew Sarah. Sarah was very nice. She didn't think that Sarah would do anything inappropriate with Piper.

After a moment, Sarah asked again, “Can you give me Piper's cell number?”

“You really want to go out with her?”


“I guess it'll be OK.”

“Thank you.”

Doris gave Sarah the phone number. Soon after the conversation ended.

Sarah phoned Piper immediately. Doris could hear Piper's phone jingle from Piper's bedroom.

“Hello, Piper. This is Sarah.”

“Hello?” Piper didn't know why Sarah would be phoning her.

“Are you busy next Saturday?”

“Ummm, I don't think so.”

“I would like to take you out. We could see a movie and have some dinner.”

“Take me out?”

“Yes, would you like to go?”

“I don't know.”


Piper knew Sarah, of course, but she never thought of going out with her.  “Can I think about it?”


Sarah waited a few seconds, “Well, want to go?”

“You have to give me more time than that,” Piper was being polite. She was leaning against going.

“What if I call back in an hour?”

“Maybe calling tomorrow would be better.”

“I'll do that,” Sarah said hurriedly. Then she said, “OK, bye.” and hung up the phone.

The call didn't go well. Sarah had to think about what went wrong.

“Piper doesn't know me very well,” Sarah thought. “If she knew me. If she saw me every day like she sees Todd at school, then she would go out with me.”

“Didn't Todd say he had this power to swap traits? Maybe we could swap education just long enough until I can get to ask Piper out properly. At least I would know for sure if she could like me or not.”

Todd had told her he had this power. Sarah thought that it was just a joke, thus they never tried it out. But Todd seemed too earnest. Todd seemed to believe it. Sarah thought that Todd would agree to make the swap she wanted.  It would let him stay home from school for a couple of days. He would like that.

At the game, Richard led Todd to the seat, holding his hand as they walked through the crowded stadium. Richard waited for Todd to take his seat, before sitting next to him. Richard placed his arm over Todd's shoulder. Todd let his head rest comfortably on Richard's shoulder.

Their relationship had changed since yesterday.  They were now not only watching the game but dating too.  No one minded that a grown man and a teen boy were out on a date, any more than they would mind if Richard was out with Sarah.

When the home team scored, Richard and Todd celebrated with a kiss. When the home team won the game, that final kiss was more passionate than the earlier ones.

The relationship between Richard and Todd was a good one.  They had a mature relationship in which looks weren't that important. Todd did think that Richard looked good.  Richard thought the same, but Todd knew that Richard would prefer if he had shapelier legs.  Todd wore shorts to the game and no-show socks. Todd knew that Richard liked his legs as he would find excuses to touch them often.  Todd wished that he had softer, more curvy legs than he had. He could recognize the disappointment that his legs weren't as nice as some others. Although, Todd knew that Richard would never say anything about them.  He was too much of a gentleman.

“Let's get a real meal, I'm sick of ballpark food,” Richard asked after the game.

“I would love to, but my mom wants me home when the game is over.”

“I understand,” Richard said.  There was a bit of disappointment in his voice. But he understood that Todd had to come home. There wasn't any reason to argue.

Before taking Todd home, the couple showed their affection for each other in the car. This wasn't sex, as a teenage boy might have with his girlfriend. It was instead a reflection of the true love the pair had for each other. Despite each getting hard in their own way, Todd insisted they had to get home. Richard did as requested.

Sarah was on her computer watching porn and thinking about Piper when Richard's car pulled into the driveway. She quickly stood up and pulled her hand out of her panties when she saw the car. She fastened the button on her slacks and pulled up its zipper.

Richard escorted Todd to the door. Richard stopped to kiss Todd before entering his house.

Sarah didn't know when the game ended. Therefore, she was unaware that Richard and Todd fooled around in the car for a while before heading home.

“Goodnight, Todd,” Sarah told him when she entered the house.

“Goodnight, Mom.”

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