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Chapter 2.

The pair got into dad's car and drove towards the store in question. They sat back and listened to music. On the way to Macy's, knowledge of the swap between them faded from both their memories.

Dad believed he always liked wearing cosmetics and using all the other beauty aids he currently possessed. He hadn't always worn cosmetics; he remembered that it was his wife who first encouraged him and then taught him the proper way to apply of makeup. After his wife passed on, dad continued to accelerate his education about cosmetics. It was similar to the memories that Melissa had. Those memories of Melissa relating to her mother teaching her about makeup don't exist anymore.

At Macy's, dad walked towards the makeup counter. He believed he had been at many such counters. He didn't have any concern about the makeup he was wearing. No one gave dad a second look any more than they would have given Melissa.

“How can I help you?” the associate at the makeup counter asked. Dad appreciated being greeted in such a way.

“I'm looking for a new look.”

“A makeover?”

“No, nothing that extreme. I just want to know what the new looks for the spring are?”

“Well, several are coming into vogue. But for you, there is an older look that is coming back into style?”

“What is it?”

“It's the batwing liner.”

“What's that?”

“It's a makeup hack specifically used for hooded-eyes to help capture that winged-out cat-eye that addresses your crease shape.”


“Yeah, look here,” the saleswoman showed dad a picture.

“I like it.”

“I think it will look fantastic on you. Here let me help you.”

“Thank you.”

“No problem.”

The saleslady demonstrated on one of dad's eyes.”

“It looks good on you. Why not you try it?”

Dad looked in the mirror and duplicated the strokes he had been shown. He did a fair imitation of what was done to his other eye. He already had a practiced hand in various cosmetic styles.

“That looks fantastic on you. Have you tried a hyper blush style?”

“I've blushed.”

“No this is used to ramp up the drama, take a hot pink blush high on your cheekbones and onto your eyelids. It's perfect when you hit the town, especially with your bone structure. The extra color will really help.”

“What do you mean?”

The saleslady demonstrated again.

Dad left the makeup counter an hour later with many ideas and over $80 worth of new cosmetics.

While dad was seeking out new looks, Melissa was browsing through the apparel at Macy's. She was looking for tops with longer sleeves and bottoms that covered more of her legs. She didn't shave her armpits or legs anymore (her dad did). So, she preferred clothes that hid this fact. Not that if she did wear a sleeveless top, anyone would find a problem with her slightly hairy armpits.

Dad paid for their shopping trip. Soon they returned home. They both remembered talking about Melissa's new gift, but they didn't remember testing it out.

The next morning, Dad woke up much earlier than Melissa did. He had to get ready for the day which took longer now than it had ever taken before. He entered the bathroom and peed as he usually did when he stepped into the shower.  On the shelf in the shower were many new beauty products that hadn't been there previously.  He wanted his skin to be as silky smooth as a teenage girl like Melissa, but unlike Melissa, his skin wasn't naturally smooth or soft. He would have to work harder to get the look and feel that he wanted. The first step was to thoroughly clean his skin. He didn't use the same bar soap he had used before the swap; he needed a liquid cleanser that would be gentle to his skin. He paid attention to every detail making sure his entire body was clean. Different areas of his body also required their own special cleansers.

Dad was also much hairier than Melissa had been, and care had to be taken to completely remove all his body hair. But the products which would do such were detrimental to the skin beneath. Thus, other products would be required also. The hair on his head had to be made silky soft and with a pleasant fruity aroma.

After exiting the shower, his face had to be shaved much more closely than he had formerly. He required a smooth base to apply his cosmetics.

While dad was making himself pretty, Melissa woke up. She had plenty of time in the morning to make her own breakfast and get ready for school.  There wasn't much to do, and she finished early.

Melissa exited her house and walked to her friend's home a few houses away. Her friend wasn't ready yet. Melissa always had to wait for Janet, that is what Melissa believed. Before the swap, they usually took about the same time to get ready in the morning.

Janet was still working on her hair. Janet was standing in her bathroom wearing only her bra and panties as she was using a dryer and styling comb to get her hair the way she preferred. Melissa knew it would take another half an hour before Janet would be ready to go.

Melissa was amazed at all the work her friend needed to get ready in the morning. Something Melissa believe she had never done herself.

Melissa wanted to talk but couldn't with the hair dryer blowing.

“Janet, what's it like to get all made up like that?”

“To be truthful, it's a real hassle.”

“I see.”

“But it's something I have to do. You are so lucky you can skip all this fuss.”

“I do stuff to look nice.”

“Sure, you do,” Janet remarked sarcastically.

“Do you think I would look pretty if I did what you do?”

“I don't so. It would look strange to see you all made up,” Janet said with a little snicker. She could imagine Melissa with makeup. It seemed to her the same as if her own father had had a makeover.

“I might look pretty.”

“Sure, you would! Big red lips, rosy cheeks with blush. Maybe some natural shade eye shadow?” The snicker became more of a laugh as Janet thought about it.

Melissa was serious. She wondered what she would look like with makeup. She knew it would be funny, but if she swapped then no one would know that it should be out of place on her.

Janet exited the bathroom to start getting dressed. Melissa lingered. She saw a tube of lipstick and wondered about it. All the other girls were wearing cosmetics, and she wondered about trying them out for herself.

She reached for the lipstick and removed its cover. Melissa didn't know that this color couldn't suit her. She didn't have much knowledge when it came to cosmetics. Regardless she perched her lips and tried to apply it to her top lip and then her bottom.

“WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” Janet asked with a big smile on her face. “I was just seeing how it would look.”

“You look ridiculous.”

“I wasn't finished yet.”

“It's funny enough as it is.”

“OK, OK,” Melissa said as she took a tissue and wiped the lipstick from her lips.

Melissa waited for Janet to complete her look and then they walked to school.

“Janet, I have something to tell you.”

“What? I could tell you have a secret.”

“Yeah, I got this power. I can swap any trait with anyone else as long as I have their permission.'

“That is stupid.”

“No, it's real.”

“Yeah, right.”

“I'm not joking around.”

“So, what have you swapped?”

“Nothing yet. I want to test it out.”

“What do you want from me? My boobs? You can't have them!”

“I was thinking about your makeup skills.”

“My makeup skills?”

“Yeah, I want to see what it's like to wear makeup.”

“It's a hassle, believe me.”

“So, you don't mind giving them to me?”

“You mean I'll walk around with a bare face? No way. I want people to like me.”

“It won't be like that. No one will know you are supposed to be wearing makeup.”


“Didn't I tell you? When we swap it changes reality to make the swap seem perfectly normal to everyone.”

“So, what will happen? Will we have to return to my house, take off my makeup, and then you put it on?  We don't have that much time. I mean if we want to make the first period.”

“No, when we swap, I'll be wearing makeup and you won't.”

“I don't know.”

“You said it was a hassle.”

“I know, but I would feel odd without makeup.”

“Come on.”

“It won't work.”

“It will. I know it will.”

“Hey, wait, when will we swap back?”

“Let's swap back in a week so I can get the full experience. You know putting on makeup every day.”

“What'll stop me from putting on makeup too.”

“Nothing. You can if you want to, but everyone will think it's strange that you suddenly started to wear cosmetics.”

Janet didn't believe Melissa. But since Melissa didn't ask her to wash the cosmetics from her face, Janet didn't mind going along with the gag. It would be funny to see Melissa all made up.

“OK, fine. What do I do?”

“All you have to do is agree.”


“I wish that I could wear makeup just like Janet does...and I know everything she knows about makeup.”

Melissa didn't remember her original wish with her father. This wish was different than the former one. This only applied to makeup, not all beauty products.

Meanwhile, dad was hurrying out of the house on his way to work. He had toasted an english muffin and grabbed a container of orange juice as he left.  He drove to the railway station and parked in his usual spot. His train came on time which he boarded. There weren't any seats left so he had to stand and hold onto the safety poll. That was when he saw his nails. It had been way too long since he had a proper manicure. He took out his phone, selected his local salon, and make an appointment with his manicurist.

“What happened?” Janet asked. She saw the makeup appear on Melissa's face. It didn't look funny as she suspected, it made her look pretty. Janet believed she had never seen Melissa like this before.

“You look great!”

“I do?”

“Yeah, fantastic.”

Melissa found a mirror in her purse. She instinctively knew it was there although it wasn't there a moment before.

Melissa looked at her face. The makeup was applied with care. She looked much better than she had. The makeup hid all her blemishes as well as highlighted her best features. She smiled at herself.

“How do I look?” Janet asked.

“You look fine.”

“Just fine?”

“You are still pretty.”

“Let me see,” Janet borrowed the mirror.

When Melissa looked at her face, there wasn't a speck of makeup on it at all.  She was surprised at how good she looked. She sort of felt like she didn't need makeup to look good. Her face hadn't changed, just her attitude. She moved her hand toward her face instinctively. She could see the nail polish on her nails. That didn't look out of place. But neither did her bare face.

“No one will say anything?”

“No, they will think it's always been this way.”


Janet didn't know if she would miss wearing makeup for the week. She remembered applying makeup. Now that she thought about it, it didn't seem like as much of a hassle as she said. It didn't matter, within an hour's time, Janet didn't remember wearing makeup at any time. The thought of wearing makeup seemed silly to her, just as it had when Melissa suggested it. Janet didn't remember Melissa's suggestions anymore either.

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