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Chapter 6.

Mr. and Mrs. Randell (Thomas and Patrice) entered Alisa's office with their daughter Jenna and her boyfriend Evan.  The Randells were very concerned about their daughter Jenna.  Jenna was only sixteen years old but she had fallen hard for Evan who was eighteen.  Evan had been kicked out of his own home by his parents.

“Can he stay with us?” Jenna pleaded.  “He doesn't have anywhere else to go.”

“No, he can't, Honey.”

“But why not?”

“It's not a good idea.”

'He spends most of his time at our house anyway.”

“I don't think he should do that either.”

“Now you are just being cruel!”

“We're not.  I don't think he is good for you.”

“He's the best.  I love him so much.”

“So you've told us.”

“I think I'll even marry him.”

“That is out of the question.”

“I mean as soon as I turn eighteen”

“By then you won't feel like that.”


Dr. Morris took control of the situation, putting everyone in a trance.

“Thomas swap places with Jenna,” Dr. Morris ordered.

Thomas and Jenna stood up.  Thomas sat next to Evan and Jenna took the place next to her mother.

“Thomas, listen to me, you have always sensed there was something special about Evan.  You have known that ever since Jenna introduced you to him. Your feelings for him will grow the more time you are around him.  You will realize that he is really very handsome.  You will start to think he is very smart.  He will seem sexier and sexier to you as you get to know him.  You will want him to touch you, hug you, hold you, kiss you, and even more.  You've never felt this way before.  You are unsure of yourself when you are with him, which makes you want to be with him even more.  It might take you a while before you realized he is your soulmate, but once you do there won't be any doubt in your mind.  You will grow to love him and want to be his in every way. When you reach that point, you will do anything to have him and keep him.”

With Thomas done, Dr. Morris worked on Evan next.

“Evan, the real reason that your family threw you out of the house was that they suspected that you've always been attracted to men.  You in particular love older men like Jenna's father.  You think he would be really hot if he was wearing his daughter's clothing though.”

To Jenna, Dr. Morris told her, “If you get a closer look at Evan, you will realize that he isn't really for you.  It was just a crush.  You'll realize that your mother is right.  All men are like that.  You will come to see your mother in a different light.  She has things that boys don't have.  She has grace and charm.  No boy could ever look as good as she does. She is sensual in a way that no boy would ever think of being.  You will let yourself fall in love with your mother.”

Finally, to Patrice Dr. Morris reminded her, “Jenna came out of you, you want her back inside you.  There's nothing wrong with a woman loving her daughter, especially a sexy young woman like Jenna.  You have always suspected that Thomas wasn't much of a man, that's why you married him in the first place.  Patrice, you want a girl who is becoming a woman.”

The family was brought out of their trance.  They didn't know that any time had passed.  Thomas replied to Jenna's last statement.

“You don't know what love really is.”  When Thomas said that, his eyes locked for an instant on Evan's soft brown eyes.  He held that gaze for a second.

“Why not let Evan move in with you and see if it works. If Jenna is going to be with him then you will be there to keep things from going too far.”

Thomas broke his eye contact with Evan. “Now that I think about it, that might be OK.”

“Do you mean it?”

“Yeah, I want to get to know Evan better.  Maybe I judged him too harshly.”

The family agreed to try the arrangement.  They would see the doctor in two weeks.

Alisa wondered what progress would be made by them.  She didn't think that Thomas would be wearing Jenna's apparel yet, but she was sure that Thomas would be spending more time with Evan than Jenna would be.

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